Most of us are looking for some sort of a sign this Christmas—something that could calm our fears about what lies ahead, given the unsure situation the country is facing today.

We have seen the signs—thousands losing their homes, their jobs, shoppers cutting down their Christmas lists and people who just see the holiday season as a bleak one. Yes, probably at one point or another, a lot have asked if Christmas still exists.

But we would like to remain optimistic.

It’s a reality we all have to face – times may be hard, but Christmas and its spirit of love, faith and hope will always endure, not only during the season, but the whole year round.

So as we look for answers, and as we try to search for Christmas and its true meaning in these troubled times, we must be reminded that our focus should not be on what we don’t have today. Christ was born in a manger, with hardly any possessions. And yet His birth is a symbol of hope for all Christians.

Christmas is also about sharing more than material things. It is embracing its true meaning, and knowing that it should always be in our hearts.

We at Asian Journal wish all our readers a blessed Christmas. May this season be filled with love for one another, faith that we will be able to endure these trying times and hope that the next year will hold a better life for all of us.

Maligayang Pasko! (AJ Press) )
Published on December 24, 2008 in Asian Joournal Los Angeles p. A8  )

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