President Biden honors 19 great leaders

Actor Denzel Washington receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom from U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House. Photos courtesy of Rogelio C. Medina

UNITED States President Joe Biden recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 19 individuals who made extraordinary contributions to America and the world.

Among the recipients were as follows: Jose Andres, Bono, Ashton Baldwin Carter (posthumous), Hillary Rodham Clinton, Michael J. Fox, Tim Gill, Jane Goodall, Fannie Lou Hamer (posthumous), Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Robert Francis Kennedy (posthumous), Ralph Lauren, Lionel Messi, William Sanford Nye, George W. Romney (posthumous), David M. Rubenstein, George Soros, George Stevens Jr., Denzel Washington, and Anna Wintour.

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The weather was awesome and we had a good ambience in the City of Pines which attracts thousands of tourists, foreign and local, each year.

One of the tourist attractions in Baguio is the Baguio Mansion House, the official summer palace of the president of the Philippines.

It is now open to the public, thanks to the initiative of First Lady Louise Araneta-Marcos.

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Welcome to the year 2025! I randomly asked another four persons to answer two questions: (1) What are your plans/projects this year?; and (2) Any insights/learnings on the past year?

Here are their replies:

Sunita Mukhi with writer and co-producer Zen Dot in the short film RSVP, which recently won the Audience Choice Award in the River to River Florence Indian Film Festival in Italy.

Sunita Mukhi, an LA-based actress and artistic director: (1) “I have to constantly steel myself by doing yoga, walking, eating well, sleeping, catching up with friends and family, rehearsing, auditioning, persisting, prevailing and believing that the Universal Creative Spirit is with me, honing me for a purpose… So for 2025 the intention is to redouble my efforts, refine the story performance pieces I have conjured, engage with other authentic talents. I would love to do a production/project with Filipino colleagues! But most importantly, be kind, and joyful, despite the feasts and the famine of this whimsical artistic adventure that I have embarked on.” (2) “2024 was a year of travel, family reunions and a number of wins for me creatively. I travelled to New York, Turkey, London, and Italy for professional and personal reasons. Short films that I was part of were screened all over the U.S., and even in Florence, Italy where the film RSVP got the audience choice award. The same film also got Best Performance in NYWIFT (New York Women in Film and Television) streaming festival. How I Met Your Masi, a sketch group I was invited to play with, is currently the reigning champion of Upright Citizens Brigade! But as a creative, the high of recognition for these modest endeavours makes you even more hungry for more work … I want to give more, express more, and collaborate more!”

De La Salle Brother Vincent Fernandez, F.S.C.


De La Salle Brother Vincent H. Fernandez F.S.C. of La Salle Green Hills Alternative Education: (1) “My project for the new year is to find more ways to allow our ALS (Alternative Learning System) learners, especially the unschooled adults either in community or those in the jails to be educated and formed according to where they are today and on how they desire to become a much better and righteous version of themselves.” (2) “My insights today, based on my experience in the past year, are that all these years we have always advocated justice and peace.  While these two are still necessary and inseparable advocacies, it will never be achievable unless grounded in the righteousness of God as fully and clearly defined by the life of Christ and the Gospels (So for this year, my personal advocacy is for God’s Righteousness to be proclaimed, lived and celebrated with greater intentionality, purpose and action.).”

Sr. Mary John Mananzan O.S.B.


Sister Mary John Mananzan O.S.B., a missionary Benedictine nun, activist, educator, theologian and author: (1) “For our school, St. Scholastica’s Academy San Fernando in Pampanga, there will be a continuation of year-long centennial activities ending in June 2025 which includes centennial walk, grand alumni homecoming, St. Scholastica’s Feast Day featuring a solemn mass, merit awards, festive lunch, placing of centennial markers, gala concert. The closing ceremony in June features ‘Gawad Saysay/Husay’ awarding of 100 outstanding alumnae. As for the country, continued ‘No to Chacha (charter change),’ ‘West Philippine Sea Amin Ito,’  Movement Against Tyranny, CyberGuardian Philippines against OSAEC ( Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children), PEPP (Philippine Ecumenical Peace Platform) advocacy for the continuance of the official peace talks, and in March, celebration of Women’s Month.” (2) “The greatest obstacle to Philippine progress is corruption from top to bottom, interred in our bones and lack of a sense of common good by a domesticated citizenry. The greatest shame is the dismal state of educational system – Philippines lowest next to Bangladesh in Asian survey! Only a revolution can change the entrenched system, something which sadly no group in the country is capable of. God of justice, have mercy on your people.”

Ignacio “Toting” Bunye, author of the book “Central Banking for Every Juan and Maria.”


Ignacio “Toting” Bunye, former Muntinlupa City Mayor and former Board Member at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas: (1) “Let me just share with you the top two in my long wish list for 2025. First and foremost is to continue to remain active in the community undertakings of the Kiwanis Club of Muntinlupa Rizal (KCMR) of which I am a charter member. Chartered in 1976, KCMR is a strong proponent of Serving the Children of the World, a cause which I am passionate about. By actively participating in all club undertakings I hope to be able to contribute to building a better Philippines, one family, one community at a time. Second, in order to enable me to actively participate in activities which I enjoy, I intend to prioritize my health and well-being. This means sticking to a strict regimen of exercise, balanced diet, adequate sleep and participation in enjoyable social activities.” (2) “I have always believed in lifelong learning. Staying informed and continuously learning is vital. Embracing new knowledge, technologies and perspectives will keep one relevant and effective regardless of age.”

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The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of Asian Journal, its management, editorial board and staff.

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