I’m in the military: Can I naturalize?
QUESTION: I’m in the military and I know somebody who was in the military years ago. Can we become US Citizens? Answer: Members and certain veterans of the US armed…
Covering the week’s most noteworthy immigration news impacting the Filipino-American and Global Filipino community.
QUESTION: I’m in the military and I know somebody who was in the military years ago. Can we become US Citizens? Answer: Members and certain veterans of the US armed…
On a weekend trip to Las Vegas, Rosa, a United States citizen, ran into some old friends, and was introduced to a friend of a friend, Domingo, a tourist who…
Dear Atty. Gurfinkel: I was able to receive my green card, but then the priority date on my petition retrogressed (went backwards) before I was able to bring my family…
AS the Federal Government bogged down in its tiresome partisan war over the budget and Debt Ceiling last month, any hope for “immigration reform” was placed on indefinite hold. In…
IT IS a common situation specially within the Filipino community in California to listen to paralegal marketing about “Quick” Nevada divorces.?Since there is no divorce in the Philippines,?many Filipinos?come to…
QUESTION: I have a friend who came into the US and filed a fake asylum application. Is there anything that can happen? Answer: Yes. This would be one of the…
The November 2013 priority dates indicate that the F-2A priority date remains at September 8, 2013, which is almost the same as being “current.” It is?phenomenal news for spouses and…
“ A spouse or child who has been ‘battered or subject to extreme mental cruelty’ is eligible to ‘self-petition’ and adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident independent…
VETERANS who once served on active duty at time of war, need not be in combat, in the United States Army, Marine Corp, Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard, or…
QUESTION: I have years of experience, but cannot get an H-1B as they are used up. Are there any alternatives to the H-1B? Answer: There is the option of the…
The Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of 1986 (IMFA) requires an alien obtaining a green card through a marriage less than two years old to come back at the end of…
Even with the passage of immigration reform stalled in Congress, the State of California has been enacting laws benefitting the undocumented population of the State. Notable among these immigration related…
If you have ever filed a petition on behalf of a relative (i.e. a brother, sister, adult child, etc.), and then moved to a new home, you must notify the…
One may acquire U.S. citizenship either at birth or through naturalization. Birth in the U.S. is the common way of acquiring citizenship. Under INA 101(a)(38), the incorporated territories of Puerto…
A NON-CITIZEN in the US that has committed a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT) may be inadmissible to the US This means the person will likely not be issued a…
ESTATE planning for sophisticated individuals with significant net worth should consider using family business entities, primarily for income, gift, and estate tax planning, and even tax saving through valuation discounts…
QUESTION: It seems years ago I supposedly received a notice to go to court, but never went because I never really received the notice. What can I do? Answer: An…
There seems to be a misconception in the general public that you can only obtain a divorce in California if your spouse will sign the divorce papers. I get this…
Dear Atty. Gurfinkel: I divorced my first spouse in California, and then married an American citizen, who petitioned me for a green card, along with my child from my first…
OVER the past several years, the USICE and related law enforcement agencies have embarked on an aggressive campaign to apprehend and remove from the United States thousands of aliens against…
Overview A KEY element under consideration by Congress as it debates a comprehensive immigration reform bill is whether a “pathway to citizenship” for the estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants in…
The government shutdown which began on October 1, 20013 and continues on without an end in sight has worried many with immigration concerns. We have received numerous inquiries from clients…
Some people, desperate for a better future in America, rely on the help of unscrupulous immigration consultants, who promise to “solve” the person’s immigration problem, secure them a work authorization,…
WHILE the Federal Government wallows in its tiresome partisan war over the Budget and prepares to continue the act with the Debt Ceiling later this week, little movement can be…
In previous articles, we have discussed the requirements and implications of grandfathering under INA 245(i). We have also focused on the question of when a petition or application is approvable…
A NONCITIZEN in the US that has committed a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT) may be inadmissible to the US This means the person will likely not be issued a…
A JUDGMENT creditor in California obtains a final money judgment from a California court (state or federal) against a Philippine company or Philippine resident, and seeks recognition and enforcement of…
If you obtained a green card through a fake job, you may already want to consider seeking the advice and guidance of a reputable attorney, to see if there is…
FOR the first time since the Clinton Administration, the Federal Government began a partial shutdown on October 1, 2013, with the Senate and House of Representatives unable to reach an…
DUE to the significantly shorter processing times than other categories, the EB-2 classification is highly sought after by talented immigrants. In comparison to the EB-3 immigrant category, which currently takes…