Prosecutorial discretion + Prioritization = Hope

LAST week, the Obama Administration announced an (immigration) Prioritization Plan.  Priority: enforcement of immigration laws against serious criminals who are a threat to our public safety, i.e. deporting them. Not a priority: approximately 300,000 pending immigration court cases for non-US Citizens convicted of minor crimes or “simply” here in violation of our immigration laws.  Potential:  termination of…

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Knowing your rights to reimbursements during divorce

DIVORCE can be a bit complicated specially if there are community assets and debts involved. Generally, accumulations and earning after the date of separation is each spouse’s separate property. What happens when you use separate funds to pay for community debts after the date of separation such as when one spouse continues to pay the…

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A lawyer’s personal journey

WHEN people ask me why I have chosen to become an immigration attorney, I have to pause to think of the many multi-layered reasons that have led me to do what I do. I would say that my own immigration journey has been one of the motivating forces. As many of you may know, I…

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Family petitons reopened, priority date retained

HERE’S what happened:  In 2001, our client became a lawful permanent resident of the United States.  He immediately petitioned for his 3 children back in the Philippines because as you know, children of derivative (preference) petitions cannot simultaneously immigrate to the United States.  When he petitioned for his children, he was told that the priority…

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Claiming injuries from your auto accident

Being involved in an auto accident can be a frustrating and very disruptive experience to most people.  Depending on your injuries, most likely you are unable to commute to work, unable to carry on your regular chores, or even unable to work at all.  This is on top of all the pain and suffering that…

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Naturalization: Becoming a US citizen

As Filipinos, we are all undoubtedly aware to a certain extent of the procedures and avenues by which one can obtain permanent residence.  After obtaining permanent residence status, many green card holders desire to take that next step—becoming a United States citizen.  As a United States citizen, one is afforded many privileges that are not…

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Relief from default in divorce cases

There are situations in both divorce and child support cases where the Summons and Petition resulted to a default against one party for failing to respond in time.  In certain situations, the defaulted party failed to respond in time because he or she did not even know that he or she was served with a…

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Does transferring separate assets into a revocable trust during the marriage make the asset community property during divorce?

Divorcing couples may have established revocable living trust for estate planning pusposes during their marriage which was funded primarily with assets acquired by one spouse prior to the marriage.  The issue is what is the characterization of those property when the couple gets the divorce. Transmutation is the changing of the characterization of a property…

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Obtaining permanent residence through marriage

MARRIAGE for many persons is the culmination of one’s life. Getting married signifies the beginning of a new phase in life, both socially and economically. For those persons who lack permanent residency in the United States and have married a United States citizen, marriage also presents an opportunity to obtain permanent residency. However, although the…

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Changing separate property to community property for estate planning purposes, and its consequences upon divorce

SPOUSES during both before and during marriage may agree to change the character of any of their property—from separate property to community property, from community property to separate property, and from separate property of one spouse to separate property of the other. When spouses agree to change the character of property, it is commonly referred…

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