The November 2015 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Do you need to be living in separate residences to be considered ‘Separated’ from your spouse under the California family law?

FAMILY Code 760 provides that all property acquired by the spouse during the marriage is community property.  That means each spouse has a half interest on any assets that are acquired during the marriage, with certain exceptions, since it is generally characterized as community property. On the same token, Family Code 771(a) provides that earnings…

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President Obama’s ‘modernizing and streamlining our legal immigration system for the 21st century’

AS part of President Obama’s continuing executive actions on immigration, the White House issued last July 2015 a report called “Modernizing and Streamlining Our Legal Immigration System for the 21st century” (the “Report”). This report was issued pursuant to the 11/21/2014 Presidential Memorandum which directed heads of the executive departments to develop recommendations to improve…

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The immigration consequences of marriage fraud

As required by law, US Citizenship and Immigration Services will deny immigration petitions and applications for adjustment of status where they believe that fraud is involved. Marriage-Based Green Card interviews may also result in findings of fraud by immigration officers. In Marriage-Based Green Card interviews, which are conducted in USCIS District and Field Offices, Adjudications…

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Enter the US ASAP with your immigrant visa

DEAR Attorney Gurfinkel: I was petitioned by my US citizen father, and after waiting for over 15 years, I was finally interviewed and just received my immigrant visa, which was delivered by the Embassy’s courier.  The immigrant visa is valid for several months. Would there be a problem if I remain in the Philippines for…

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Child custody —working parents

MANY parents believe that if you are a working parent, then the other non-working parent will get physical custody of the minor children automatically.  This is a misperception of the law and simplifies the law too much that it trivializes it.  There are many more issues that a court must look at in determining which…

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Proposed Provisional Waiver expansion will benefit children and spouses of green card holders

While the existing I-601A Provisional Waiver Program is limited to benefitting children and spouses of US citizens, a proposed rule will expand the categories of beneficiaries. The new rule, proposed by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), will expand the waiver to benefit children and spouses of Lawful Permanent Residents (green card holders.)…

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Nullity of marriage

A JUDGMENT of nullity is when the Court deems a voidable marriage or a void marriage as never having taken place for reasons such as a defect in age, unsound mind, fraud, force, physical incapacity, bigamous, or incestuous marriage. A judgment of nullity should be considered only where the validity of the marriage is in…

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File your green card application now!

EDWARD, a 45 year-old married man from Manila came to the United States in 1999.  His mom and dad are U.S. citizens and filed a petition for him in December 1994.  He has been waiting 20 years for his priority date to become current so that he could adjust status in the United States.  Edward…

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Policy on ‘Sanctuary Cities’

LAST September 11, 2015, the incumbent mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Long Beach, and Oakland issued a joint letter addressed to California Senators and Representatives entitled “Opposition to Proposed Federal Funding Cuts for Cities with Sanctuary Ordinances”. They expressed their opposition to “recent proposals in Congress that would withhold funding from cities…

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Do you need to be living in separate residences to be considered ‘separated’ from your spouse under the California family law?

Family Code 760 provides that all property acquired by the spouse during the marriage is community property.  That means each spouse has a half interest on any assets that are acquired during the marriage, with certain exceptions, since it is generally characterized as community property. On the same token, Family Code 771(a) provides that earnings…

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Consular processing at the NVC

The growing threat of international terrorism, which apparently is without territorial boundaries, has prompted the Department of State (DOS) to tighten its rules of entry into the US.  DOS is the governmental entity that works hand in hand with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is in charge of prospective immigrants to the US. …

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E-2 treaty investor visa

AS you may be aware, a foreign national who desires to enter the US must obtain either an immigrant or non-immigrant visa. An immigrant visa allows one to stay in the US on a permanent basis. On the other hand, a foreign national can stay in the US on a temporary basis (either for pleasure,…

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Does the creation of a revocable living trust, during the marriage, transmute separate property to community property?

DIVORCING couples may have established revocable living trust for estate planning pusposes during their marriage which was funded primarily with assets acquired by one spouse prior to the marriage.  The issue is what is the characterization of those properties when the couple gets the divorce. Transmutation is the changing of the characterization of a property…

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Dissolution vs. nullity of marriage

MANY of my clients inquire about the differences between a dissolution of marriage and a judgment of nullity.  A dissolution of marriage is when the Court grants a divorce—due to irreconcilable differences, the marriage broke down and the parties wish to end their marriage.  On the other hand, a judgment of nullity is when the…

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No fraud waiver required if you were a victim of fraud

There have been many tragic situations where people were duped into applying for immigration benefits to which they were not entitled. Unscrupulous immigration consultants promise work permits, green cards, and other immigration benefits to people who are eager to work in the U.S. and send money back home. Only later do they find out they…

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Treaty nationals

Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canadian and Mexican citizens (known as “Treaty Nationals” or “TNs”) can come to the United States temporarily, not to exceed one (1) year at a time, under a “TN Status” non-immigrant visa, to work/engage in activities at a professional level. TN Status can be extended for as…

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