A LAW EACH DAY(Keeps Trouble Away)

There is no more doubt that the present administration under Aquino III is the No. 1 enemy of the masses. It is a government against the Filipino people instead of being for the people. It has no concern at all in uplifting the living and working conditions of the common tao. Its oft repeated catchphrase telling…

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Title II threatens minority populations, small businesses

Earlier this year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted along party lines to reclassify Internet Service Providers (ISPs) as public utilities and to regulate the Internet under outdated Title II regulations. The negative effects of these burdensome regulations are quickly materializing. There are now clear indications that Title II harms broadband investment and innovation, which…

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Filipinos in America overwhelmingly support Pope Francis’ move to make marriage annulment faster, cheaper

POPE Francis received overwhelming support among Filipinos in America on the reforms he will implement in the Catholic Church to make marriage annulment faster and cheaper for Catholics. 100 percent of the viewers who voted in the online opinion poll of The Filipino Channel’s daily newscast “Balitang America” agreed that the following changes announced last…

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Are we masochistic or stupid?

As an overseas Filipino who loves his homeland, I am puzzled, sad, and disenchanted to see our beloved Philippines hopelessly entrenched in a quagmire and culture of graft and corruption involving government officials, including top legislators who had plundered the nation’s meager coffers and practically go unpunished. Evidently, even the Supreme Court was not immune…

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Is Aquino corrupt?

“But he himself is not corrupt, right?” That is a common refrain in conversations with Filipinos concerned about rising sleaze under President Benigno Aquino 3rd. Ironically, the same thing was once said about Ferdinand Marcos, a frugal Ilocano unlike his extravagant wife Imelda. After five years of Tuwid na Daan, many are disturbed, if not…

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Are you angry enough?

CTALK By Cito Beltran Are you angry enough about our state of affairs in the Republic of the Philippines? The thought has begun to surface as millions of Filipinos come to terms with the fact that the Self-Righteous Brotherhood occupying Malacañang are a bunch of incompetent and insensitive dolts who punctuate their failures with off…

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Wanted: Scapegoats and whipping boys

URBAN legend has it that President Manuel Quezon, while entertaining a foreign dignitary in Malacañang, inadvertently let out gas. Without missing a beat, Quezon turned to his aide-de-camp and up braided  the poor man for uncivilized behavior. When the guest had left, the aide complained that he had been unjustly blamed for something he did not do….

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Oras Na! #RoxasNa! Tara Na!

SUCH a catchy title posted on Facebook by my dear friend from Manila, Dr. Vivian Sarabia, a staunch supporter of President Noynoy Aquino and now of the Liberal Party’s official nominee, DILG Secretary Mar Roxas. Aquino’s anointment of Roxas could not have happened at a better place, as Club Filipino in the Greenhills area in…

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Sarah Palin, Grace Poe and Chiz Escudero

WHEN John McCain picked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate in the 2008 US elections, the effect on the American public was one of curiosity and enthusiasm. After all, an aging presidential candidate picking a young (and good-looking) nominee who had made some waves as a state governor, suggested a fresh and…

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