The value in being politically aware

As a voter, you have direct influence on who will make decisions for the future. You currently have the power to control what will affect your family’s future. Many people believe the voices of Asian Americans are not heard. We sometimes complain that Asian Americans are not noticed in the media, have a lack of…

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The curious comparison between Duterte and Trump

From the reckless rhetoric of both Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and U.S. presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, one can deduce that they share the same speaking style: It’s rough, unorthodox and un-presidential. During the inauguration of President-elect Duterte in Malacanang Palace, my wife and I were impressed while listening to his inaugural speech. That…

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Why I no longer support Heck

by Cristina Llorente-Drost As an independent voter, I voted for Joe Heck three times when he ran for Congress. As his fellow church-goer, I know he is a good man, but now we are on opposite camps on some issues. This has led me to change my vote and to throw my support behind Catherine…

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Yankee go home, but take me with you

IF you scan the postings on social media, you would get the impression that the United States is anathema to most Filipinos. Hateful statements that rake up Yankee atrocities during the Filipino-American war; resentment over the U.S. ostensibly taking the Philippines “for granted” in terms of foreign and military aid; complaints about being turned down…

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NO more cussing. This was promised by President Rodrigo Duterte as he narrated how God has put a stop to his verbal rants upon his arrival from a state visit to Japan.  “I was looking at the skies as I was coming over here. Everybody was asleep snoring. A voice said that you know ‘If you…

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An open letter to Filipino-Americans

by Atty. José Y. Lauchengco, Jr. Mga magiliw na kapatid, kapwa Pilipino:  We cannot sit idly by while one person singularly misrepresents the feelings of the people of the Philippines toward America.  To the best of our abilities, each of us should do whatever we can about it.  Though we, Filipino-Americans, love America, we do…

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Women can stop Trump and Heck

by Christine Ko The constant barrage of misogynist remarks made from presidential nominee Donald Trump became too much for me to bear. From saying women should only be young and beautiful to telling a female contestant on “The Apprentice” that it would be a pretty sight to see her on her knees, I was hurt….

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Bad apples

AS the saying goes, it only takes one rotten apple to ruin the whole bunch because the decay can quickly spread to the good ones. Such is the case of police officers, whose indiscretion left at least 50 individuals hurt as the dispersal of protestors in front of the United States Embassy in Manila turned…

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The Philippine political circus 

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey should add a new act to its circus lineup, considering how Cirque de Soleil appears to have outdone the veteran big top masters in their own game. I suggest the Philippine Political Circus. As circus acts go, the Philippine political version has all of the features of a great…

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ON Monday, Oct. 17, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reported that money sent home by Filipinos living and working abroad reached $2.319 billion—growing at its fastest pace in over two years. This resulted in a 4.6-percent expansion in the amount of money sent home by Filipinos abroad to $17.64 billion in the first eight…

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Misogyny and Leila de Lima

Senator Leila de Lima would like us to believe that she is victimized because of her gender. I vehemently disagree. This is not a gender issue. And it is offensive that she plays the gender card. It is pure theatrics, like the many she inflicted on us, in her press conferences, in her walkouts. Now…

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Invest in Nevada’s future

by Juan Serafica “DR – EA – M.  Dream!”  Every day I teach Nevada’s children how to read.  We preach college and career readiness in my school, yet Nevada is ranked dead last for educational outcomes. We are in last place for students’ chance of success in the annual Quality Counts rankings by Education Week. …

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“AMERICA has failed us,” said Foreign Affairs Sec. Perfecto Yasay as he echoed Pres. Rodrigo Duterte’s sentiments against the U.S. Amid a maritime dispute with China in the West Philippine Sea, Yasay lamented that the “U.S. could not assure the Philippines that it will promptly come to our defense under our existing military treaty and…

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Filipinos in America in the middle of what could be a bitter breakup between the Philippines and the US

AS the leaders of America celebrate the contributions of Filipinos to the United States during this month-long Filipino American History Month, kababayans in America cannot help but feel “lost,” lamenting what seems to be the beginning of the end of a long-time friendship and alliance between our Motherland and our adoptive country. This comes in…

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Celebrating Filipino American History Month

This October, I am proud to celebrate Filipino American History Month with the Filipino American community in Nevada and across the country. Our state has been enriched by the influence of more than 100,000 Filipino Americans currently living in Nevada and the many generations that came before them.  I am deeply grateful for their contributions…

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Is the traffic problem a state of mind?    

PHILIPPINE Transportation Secretary Art Tugade was recently crucified in mainstream and social media for reportedly attributing Manila’s monstrous traffic to “a state of mind.” Subsequent clarification of what Tugade really meant appears to have been an exercise in futility. In communications, there can be a huge gap between what you say and how you are…

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Against all odds

DESPITE receiving a barrage of censure over his aggressive campaign against drugs and human rights violations under his reign, Pres. Rodrigo Duterte remains unfazed. The president has brewing friendships with China and Russia, and is bent on alienating the country’s long-standing alliance with the United States. Over the weekend, Duterte threatened to end the Enhanced…

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