Bankruptcy: You can’t let your past decide your future
AS a Bankruptcy Attorney, I have counseled thousands of individuals with all types of debt problems. I often encourage people by telling them that it is not too late to…
Covering the week’s most noteworthy business news impacting the Filipino-American and Global Filipino community.
AS a Bankruptcy Attorney, I have counseled thousands of individuals with all types of debt problems. I often encourage people by telling them that it is not too late to…
OUR bodies are ecosystems where a change in one area affects other areas. This connection is becoming clearer as scientists continue examining the links between oral health and cardiovascular health. Recent…
Senior with reverse mortgage seeks Chapter 7 discharge of $37k credit cards; client reopens Chapter 7 to cover unlisted debt “ Client says he likes his life now as simple…
SURELY as April 15 comes along, some of you will procrastinate in filing tax returns. It can be habit forming as I see the same taxpayers come after April 15…
OUR client, Teresa,* has always lived with a serious lung condition since childhood. Although Teresa knew that her condition limited her activities, she did her best to live a productive…
WHEN debts spiral out of control, bankruptcy can become an invaluable financial recovery tool in stemming the tide and getting you back on the right track. Without the “fresh start”…
Senior revisits Chapter 7 after 20 years; disabled client seeks to discharge federal student loans of $70K without BK Client No. 1 YOUNG mother of two teenagers, both daughters, presents…
1. THE failure-to-file penalty is generally more than the failure-to-pay penalty. If you cannot pay all the taxes you owe, file to prevent that more costly failure-to-file penalty. 2. The…
S.W. was 15 years old when Luis Morales offered her a job at US Metro Group, Inc., where Morales worked. S.W., who was best friends with Morales’ daughter, accepted Morales’…
IF you are in debt and are seriously considering bankruptcy as an option, I am sure a lot of thoughts are going through your mind. I just want to get…
SOMETIMES you just can’t resist – it’s so cheesy and saucy— right out of the oven! You dive in and take your first bite…uh oh! Too soon! You’ve got “pizza burn!” Pizza isn’t the only…
Young client files chapter 7 to discharge $30k credit cards Client no. 1 CLIENT was disabled when he was 55, which was 7 years ago. He receives $1,600 of disability…
• FILE your tax records neatly and orderly during the year. If you are not an organized person by nature as some of us are, just throw tax documents in…
PEGGY Young worked as a part-time driver for United Parcel Service (UPS). Her responsibilities included pickup and delivery of packages that had arrived by air carrier the previous night. In…
ARE debt problems making your life a living hell? Doing your best to pay but creditors just won’t leave you alone? Maybe you get nervous every time the phone rings…
How much would you pay Manny Pacquiao to endorse your business? Envision this. Manny would be in all your advertisements: TV, Radio, Billboard, and Internet. He would be available for…
Client No. 1 LOOKS like I signed up two clients in opposite ends of debt last week. Client no. 1 is 55 years old and divorced for 10 years. She…
LAST year, we discussed the lawsuit filed by the Raiderettes, the cheer squad for the Oakland Raiders, who sued their employer for back wages and reimbursements. The lawsuit claimed that…
MAYBE you’ve experienced this before: You’re driving down the road one cold, chilly day and before you know it, you find yourself surrounded by a thick white wall of dense…
1. QUALIFIED Residence Interest includes your principal and second homes. The homes could be a house, condo, mobile home, motor home, time share, or even a houseboat, as long as…
• YOU may deduct donations to qualified organizations. Qualified organizations have tax-exempt status from the IRS. These include corporations or foundations organized in the U.S. for religious, charitable, educational, scientific,…
Q: I AM a salaried employee exempt from overtime. I often work more than 40 hours per week. However, there are days when I work less than 8 hours per…
IF you are searching for debt reduction solutions, no doubt you’ve been inundated with advertisements for various debt management programs, companies and solutions. The choices seem confusing to the average…
Abandoned wife files Chapter 7 to discharge collection lawsuits for $20K Client no. 1 IS it even legally possible that your social security benefits can be garnished? If creditors can…
Vehicle maintenance is one of the more bothersome aspects of automobile ownership. Taking your ride into Auto Shop or Dealer is often like having a tooth pulled–painful, but necessary. Maintenance…
“BUY real estate in areas where the path exists and buy more real estate where there is no path, but you can create your own” -David Waronker, American real estate…
White House appeals amnesty restraing order to Court of Appeals Client no. 1 CLIENT no. 1 is in her fifties. She comes to see me regarding a lawsuit by a…
FOR those of you who itemize, the table below should be of special interest. For those of you who play the odds (you know what I mean), this table should…
Q: I WORKED in a company for over 10 years. A new supervisor and I do not get along. Last week, the company let me go without any explanation. I…
HAVE you ever faced a situation in your life where you needed help so badly but you were just too afraid or embarrassed to ask for it? Perhaps you felt…