20 don’ts in an IRS audit
1. DON’T go to your appointment unprepared. 2. Don’t be late for your appointment with the auditor. 3. Don’t volunteer information. 4. Don’t be condescending of education, experience, age, or…
Covering the week’s most noteworthy business news impacting the Filipino-American and Global Filipino community.
1. DON’T go to your appointment unprepared. 2. Don’t be late for your appointment with the auditor. 3. Don’t volunteer information. 4. Don’t be condescending of education, experience, age, or…
HAVE you ever faced a situation in your life where you needed help so badly but you were just too embarrassed to ask for it? Perhaps you felt confused and…
“FIGHTING multinationals was very tough. At first, everyone thought I was crazy. They told me, how would I survive this? True enough, it’s by the grace of God that I’m…
Client 1: Garment Factory CLIENT presents himself as a businessperson, who has been in the garment business since 2002. He has a factory with ten employees where he pays his…
A SEPARATION package or a severance agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee who is about to leave the employer’s employment. In a typical severance agreement, the…
(Part 2 Of 2) J.P. Morgan Securities Philippines, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. – Manila Branch Land Bank of the Philippines Legazpi Savings Bank, Inc. Longmeadow Corporation Macquarie Capital Securities…
THE cost of a college education has spiraled out of control for most families. In the last 10 years, student loan debt has sharply risen from $240 billion to $1…
THAT’S the title of my second book! After three years and three copy editors, my book is now available! To give you an idea on how this book was conceptualized, let me…
Secured creditor client seeks relief from buyer who filed for Chapter 11 OH, the woes of owning and running a business come in all shapes and sizes! Even when a business…
Q: I AM a live-in employee at a residential care facility. I work six days a week and have one day off. I sleep in a room inside the facility…
(Part 1 Of 2) 14-678 Property Holdings Inc JV 18-2 Property Holdings Inc JV 19-1 Realty Corporation JV 6-24 Property Holdings Inc JV 6-3 Property Holdings Inc JV AB Capital…
IF you’ve made the decision to file bankruptcy in order to get a fresh financial start, here are some things to consider in choosing between Chapter 7 or Chapter 13….
FOR both children and adults with special needs, dental care can be challenging. In some cases, limited coordination can make brushing and flossing tricky. In other cases there may be…
“OUR life is what our thoughts make it.” That’s a powerful quote by Marcus Aurelius. According to writer Alyssa Sparacino, New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies: They’re fun…
CLIENT is a specialty food retailer that started operations in a commercial center two years ago. Five partners invested $50K each for a total of $250K for a food business…
Q. WHAT is the new minimum wage? A. Effective January 1, 2016, the minimum wage in California will be $10.00 per hour. Most employees in California are entitled to be…
IF you have offshore bank accounts, should you report the accounts to the US government? Yes, if the aggregate balances exceed $10,000 at any time during the year. What if…
IF you are experiencing debt problems, you may find it difficult to talk to other people about it to the point that you are not getting the help that you…
By: Prof. Enrique Soriano “With great enthusiasm, family businesses always look forward to a wish list of New Year’s resolutions and good intentions. But in a relatively short period of…
“ If client no longer wants to continue doing business, the best option is Chapter 7. In Chapter 7, all claims against the company, including the judgment of $1.0M will…
THE year 2015 has been an interesting time for employment law, with the legislature and the courts defining additional protections to employees. The following are some of the new laws…
CHAPTER 13 is the section of the US Bankruptcy Code that allows individuals in the United States to reorganize their finances. If you are having difficulty paying your debts (credit…
ARE you pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant? Do you know someone who is pregnant? While you’re picking out tiny clothes and reading childcare books, remember the importance of your oral health!…
ON Friday, the 25th, the entire Christian world will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ 2015 years ago. Christmas is the birthday of Jesus who is the manifestation of God’s…
SARAH Wellens works as a sales representative for Daiichi Sankyo, a Japan-based pharmaceutical company with about 3,000 employees in the United States. The company hired Ms. Wellens, an experienced sales…
1. CAPITAL assets include almost everything you own and use for personal purposes, pleasure or investment. 2. The following are capital assets: your home, household furnishings and stocks held in…
I KNOW that our economy in the last several years has caused a lot of financial problems for a lot of people. A lot of families are struggling financially every…
Q: EVERY pay period, I receive a check from my employer for my wages. Recently, there is news at work that our company will be requiring employees to receive our…
A DEBT-free life is something that a lot of people aspire to have. And yet it is a known fact that sadly, many will never attain it because of their…
WHO doesn’t love a little sunshine? Not only does it feel fantastic, but it also has numerous health benefits. Sunshine improves our mood, our immune functions, and catalyzes vitamin D production in…