Worried about debt, think of Daniel in the lions’ den
MANY debtors feel that their debt problems have placed them in a lions’ den because they feel that their debts will swallow them up alive. Every month every creditor must…
Covering the week’s most noteworthy business news impacting the Filipino-American and Global Filipino community.
MANY debtors feel that their debt problems have placed them in a lions’ den because they feel that their debts will swallow them up alive. Every month every creditor must…
OUR column usually focuses on serious (and sometimes boring) subjects of tax and finance. Let’s depart from that dull setting and explore the lighter world of Murphy’s Law: 1. If…
ON Sept. 26, 2013, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill that entitles personal attendants, which include caregivers and nannies working in private households, to overtime pay if they…
With the proliferation of credit cards in our society, it’s not difficult for credit card debts to get out of hand. Once you’re caught in the credit card debt trap,…
NO doubt you’ve heard that vitamins and minerals are good for your overall health. But did you know that many of those same vitamins and minerals are very important to…
DEBT problems can become a recurring nightmare for debtors who think they can handle debt problems by themselves. I have told you many times before that if you have debt…
1. File Electronically – Consider filing electronically instead of using paper tax forms. If you file electronically and choose direct deposit, you will receive your refund faster. 2. Check social…
(Employer’s Verbal Disclosure of Employee’s Medical Condition May Be Illegal) MELISSA Ignat worked for Yum! Brands, the corporate parent of several fast-food franchises, such as Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and…
Almost every week, my office gets phone calls from people in debt who have been taken advantage of by so-called “debt settlement companies”. These are the companies who advertise on…
4th Case Report of PA Jae Park A doctor couple (whom I’ll refer to as Mr. P) in their thirties, who immigrated from South Asia, lived in a two-story single-family…
TOO much debt becomes an enormous emotional problem for the debtor. I am reminded of my client 20 years ago who killed himself by shooting himself in the chest. By…
1. YOU may claim exemptions for yourself, your spouse and your dependents. 2. Dependents must have a Social Security number (TIN is not good enough). 3. Exemption amount is $3,800…
Q: I WORKED in a company for more than 10 years. A new supervisor was recently transferred to my department. This person and I do not get along. Last week,…
How long do you have to keep tax records? How long can the IRS audit your tax returns? Let’s discuss 10 tips on statute of limitations so you can clean…
You have probably heard a lot of ‘negative things’ about bankruptcy- how it may be the worst mistake you could ever make, that you will never be able to get…
INTUITIVELY, you probably know that better posture is good for your back, neck, etc. But what you may not know is that better posture is good for your oral health too! It’s…
PEOPLE with debts problems are worried sick about their debts. Almost daily, clients tell me that they cannot sleep and very worried about their debts. They have long faces and…
OSFEL Andrade, an immigrant from Mexico, worked in the shipping department of Terra Universal, a laboratory equipment manufacturer in Fullerton, California when immigration agents conducted a worksite raid on June…
LIFE just happens. Sometimes even the best laid plans can go wrong. How do you respond when this happens to you? Do you easily give up when you’re overwhelmed? Remaining…
In America, it doesn’t matter who you are, what your race is, what your religion is, you can succeed. You study, you work, you build up business and you live…
IF you paid someone to care for your child, spouse, or dependent, you may be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit on your federal income tax return….
Q: I WORK at a service-oriented business here in California as an hourly employee. We are required to wear a uniform. We can only get the uniform from our employer…
You already know that your home is in foreclosure. You’ve received the dreaded Notice of Default. You know that after 90 days, your lender could schedule a Trustee Sale for…
NO NEED TO BE EMBARRASSED! We all experience morning breath?from time to time. Typically, our morning brushing routines get rid of it. But people wonder where morning breath comes from—and…
(Part 2) LAST week, we talked about the tower of Babel which is located 30 miles from the modern city of Baghdad in Iraq. We destroyed the tower with cruise…
SOME business establishments pay cash wages “under the table.” Why? Is it worth it? What are the risks? What does paying cash wages ‘under the table’ mean? This common phrase…
Finding other sources of payment for the seriously injured LINDA and David Kubert were riding on their motorcycle when eighteen-year-old Kyle Best, who was driving and texting, crossed the center-line…
“I can’t believe this is happening to me. Life’s not fair. I haven’t done anything bad. Why do I feel like I’m being punished for something I didn’t do?” These…
PREVIOUSLY, we talked about Noah who was instructed by God, my God, the God of Moses and Israel, who sent His only and beloved Son Jesus Christ, to us and…
THE Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA, an agency that oversees the IRS) instructed the IRS to expand audits to prior and subsequent years. This means that if IRS…