My gum disease is linked to what?

You’ve probable heard us talk about the “mouth-body connection” and how periodontal (gum) disease has been linked to heart disease, stroke and diabetes, in addition to pregnant women’s chances of giving birth to pre-term, low-weight babies.  Did you know, however, about the correlation between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, and even certain cancers?…

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Attributes of successful Asian family businesses

IN A family business, it’s the third generation that presents the big problems. The first generation founds the company and has the drive and the dedication to move it forward. The second generation rides that wave. The third generation wants to do their own thing. They’ve seen Broadway; they’ve had all the advantages. – Gale…

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Avoiding family wars

STARTING a family business presents unique challenges over and above the usual problems a start-up faces.   That’s why only one in three family businesses survives to the next generation.  Less than 1/3 survive the transition from 1st to 2nd generation ownership. Of those that do, about 1/2 do not survive the transition from 2nd to…

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Never underestimate your power to dream big

“NEVER underestimate small people with big dreams,” was the favorite quote of one inspiring lady from Iloilo who pioneered the spa business in the province in 2000, back at the time when the wellness industry in the country was at its infancy. At the time Anna “Babes” Rivera, owner of Spa Riviera, was also taking…

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Ensuring the success of your family business

FAMILY Businesses are the cornerstone of the economy. They are all around us –from neighborhood mom-and-pop stores and the millions of small and midsize companies that underpin many economies to household names such as BMW, Samsung, and Wal-Mart Stores. One-third of all companies in the S&P 500 index and 40 percent of the 250 largest…

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Picky, picky

The common toothpick, usually made from wood, is primarily used to remove food stuck in–between teeth. Most wooden toothpicks in the United States come from birch trees in Maine, where the tree trunks are sliced into thin sheets and then cut and milled into individual toothpicks. While toothpicks work well to remove food trapped between…

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Teeth tips for teens

I WOULD like to share with you teeth tips for teens from the Academy of General Dentistry. 1. Limit soda drinking. Whether at school, home or on the weekends, teens are drinking more soda that they have in the past. In 1977, 12- to 19-year-olds drank 16 ounces of soda a day. In 1996, this…

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Home care

YOUR personal home care plays an important role in maintaining healthy smile. Your personal home care starts by eating balanced meals, reducing the number of snacks you eat, and correctly using the various dental aids that help control the plaque and bacteria that cause dental disease. Tooth brushing. Brush your teeth at least twice a…

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What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic material, which are bonded to the front of teeth. They can be the ideal choice for improving the appearance of the front teeth. Porcelain veneers are placed to mask discolorations, to brighten teeth, and to improve a smile. Highly resistant to permanent staining from coffee, tea, or even…

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Drugs affect your dental health and your dental treatment

You may not have considered the impact prescription medications and even over-the-counter drugs can have on your oral health, and on the dental treatment you receive. Informing us about your medication history and what drugs you are currently taking is essential because of dental health effects, potential side effects and possible interactions with drugs the…

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New white fillings replace silver for a natural look

Today’sdental patient demands a better look in addition to healthy teeth. Thanks to advances in technology, today’s dentists are better equipped that ever to meet the public’s high expectations. An area which has shown great advancement with direct results for patients who seek a more natural looking smile is that of composites or natural tooth…

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