Swimming and … staining?

When we notice someone with discolored teeth,  we usually assume it’s due to smoking, a  high consumption of staining foods and drinks, or some other common reason.  There’s another cause of stained teeth that doesn’t usually come to mind, though: swimmer’s calculus. Swimmer’s calculus is defined as being hard, brown, tartar deposits that appear predominantly…

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IRS warns public of tax preparer fraud

MORE and more taxpayers have been receiving it from the IRS….. the audit letter asking to substantiate tax deductible expenses claimed in a prior tax year. In fact, some taxpayers have been or will be receiving it for two to five consecutive years once their credibility with the IRS has been tarnished. There have been…

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Using caution with student loans

GOING to college is a good thing as it can open greater opportunities for employment and has the potential to transform someone to higher level of success. There are various ways to finance a college education, one of which, and maybe the most popular means, is by obtaining student loans. It might seem overwhelming as…

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Tax cuts program extended

THE Bush-Era Tax Cuts was set to expire on December 31, 2011 and one of those that would have been greatly impacted is the Child Tax Credit (CTC), one of the most popular tax credits for families and children. Had the Obama administration not extended the Bush-Era Tax cuts for another year, the CTC would…

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2012 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

DESIGNED to supplement the wages or earned income through self-employment of working families, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) benefits taxpayers who are either low or moderate income earners by providing generous tax credits. It is believed to have helped alleviate poverty for around 6.5 million families, affecting 15 million children every year. As part…

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Laser gum surgery

Dear Dr. Val, My gums are irregular and they make some of my teeth smaller than the rest . What can I do ? Thanks Gummy Bear Dear Gummy Bear, The shape, color and appearance of your teeth can easily be changed to create a beautiful smile with modern cosmetic dentistry techniques, such as tooth…

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Protect your teeth against enamel erosion

Enamel is the hard, protective outer layer of your teeth. If it erodes, it can be very uncomfortable, with symptoms ranging from tooth sensitivity and discoloration, to painful cracks in the teeth. What is tooth erosion caused by, and how can you prevent it? The acid in the foods and drinks we put in our…

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Deducting home office expenses

HOW much of their home office expenses can be deducted is one of the most misjudged tax questions faced by home workers. The reality of home office expense deductibility is much more complex than the common perception. When can home office expenses be deducted? The costs associated with maintaining a home office can be deducted…

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Financially what matters most

“I’VE never felt so vulnerable about this disease until now”, I told my neurologist in an unusually poignant voice. Diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (simply called lupus) in September 2007, I have managed to conquer the physical and emotional odds of having the rare, chronic and debilitating disease and I have a great family support…

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Tax savings strategies: plan now, not later

WHILE we approach the last quarter of the year, this serves as a reminder that it’s neither too early nor too late to plan and strategize your income taxes for 2011. New year brings new tax laws. Plan now, not later because when the year is over, there is not much you can do anymore….

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Sugar shockers!

Felling a little listless today? why not perk yourself up, by pouring 15 teaspoons of sugar in your mouth? You probably laughed at the above suggestion, but if you’re a fan of energy drinks, that’s the approximate amount of sugar you’ll ingest if you indulge in a 16-ounce serving! Colas are another source of sugar…

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Facts about retirement plan withdrawals and loans

YOU’RE probably one of those employees wanting to tap your 401(k), 403(b), or other retirement accounts to get you through dire financial need. With unemployment rate hovering at more than 12% and consumer spend- ing continuously increasing, your choices must have been exhaust- ed so you’re left with no choice. You assume withdrawing your retirement…

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Why probate creates worries?

WHEN someone dies without a Living Trust, the decedent’s es­tate is subject to a probate. Pro­bate simply means “to prove the will”. The process is designed to prove that the decedent actually had died and that the will pre­sented for “proving” is actually the valid will. Today, it probably is best to describe probate as…

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Healthy gums = healthy lungs

WHILE a number of studies already link poor oral health to compromised overall health, recently published research also suggests a possible correlation between gum disease and the risk of respiratory infections, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia. These serious infections can be instigated when bacteria from the upper throat are inhaled into the…

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Why you need a Power of Attorney now

TOO many times, I encounter relatives or friends going through the dilemma of not being able to handle an elderly relative’s financial, legal, and medical affairs after such relative becomes incompetent or disabled. Often understated and unrealized is the paramount importance of a Power of Attorney. Most people recognize the need for it when it…

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Individual tax filing extension due on October 17th

FOR quite a few taxpayers who have deferred on filing their 2010 income tax returns, the deadline is just by the corner. The most prudent action would be to file your income tax return before the October 17th deadline to avoid additional penalties and interest owed. Remember, your tax payments would have been due on…

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Why it is critical to fund a Living Trust

THE fact that a lot of existing Living Trusts are not properly funded is a scare to behold. Once your Living Trust was drafted and finalized, you think your assets and loved ones are safe and protected from the dreadful process of probate. Absolutely not at this point! Not until you have funded the trust….

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Enamel education

While we endeavor to help our patients avoid tooth problems, the reality is that by the time many people get to the dentist, they are already experiencing symptoms of dental distress. Many common dental complaints – both physical and cosmetic – can be traced back to enamel damage. Tooth enamel is the hard, outer layer…

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High investment return? Think again!

LAST week, Ana (not her real name), approached me regarding her situation. She has “loaned or invested” $182,000 to someone who is now missing with the lure of extremely high investment return. So many times I have been personally offered these sales pitches myself. My simple and easy answer, “If it sounds too good to…

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Using caution with student loans

GOING to college is a good thing as it can open greater opportunities for employment and has the potential to transform someone to higher level of success. There are various ways to finance a college education, one of which, and maybe the most popular means, is by obtaining student loans. It might seem overwhelming as…

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Bad breath

A LOT of patients share your concern about bad breath. As a social embarrassment, it’s surely near the top of the list. Since mouthwashes won’t eliminate the problem, let us have a look at some possible reasons for the condition. Bacteria, plain and simple, are the culprit. Bacteria do their work in the mouth, lungs,…

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A first generation dilemma: Succession or conflict

LEE-CHUA, (1997) defined a successful family business as “one that has existed for at least 10 years, is still existing, and has made a name for itself in its field. The founder may still be alive and thinking of succession, the second generation may already be in charge, or the third generation may even be…

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Why family businesses are special

WE ALL have opinions and sometimes we hold very divergent views, as you would imagine when you bring together a group of people who are active within different industry spheres and in different geographical locations. That ability to see the industry from many different perspectives is actually a great advantage, because although you might believe…

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What is a smile design?

Cosmetic dentists understand that communication with the patient over what they expect, what they want their teeth to look like, is critical to their success. In order for you to be happy with the result, you need to have strong input into the artistic planning of your smile. To help you accomplish that, I’d like…

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Facing the giants: The Phoenix Petroleum Way

The legendary David is back. He is back in the Philippines, battling the giants in the petroleum industry. Slowly but surely, he is creating a niche in an industry dominated by multinational oil companies. Our modern David goes by the name of Dennis Uy, founder and president of public listed Phoenix Petroleum Philippines. If you…

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Why most family businesses fail

FAMILY businesses have both strengths and weaknesses. The overwhelming strength of the family business is the different atmosphere and feel that a family concern has. There can be a sense of belonging and common purpose, leading to improved performance. Furthermore, a family firm has greater flexibility, since the unity of management and shareholders provides the…

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Holy Week rites and rituals in the Philippines

LENT prepares the Christian for the yearly commemoration of Christ’s Death and Resurrection.   Forty weekdays – hence the term ‘Cuaresma’ in Spanish, are given over to prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and abstinence from meat. Christ’s forty-day retreat in the desert and His success in resisting the devil’s temptation to wealth, power, and glory inspires the Christian…

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