Smart snacking helps you keep that beautiful smile

DOES FREQUENT SNACKING PRESENT PROBLEMS FOR OUR TEETH? Well, it depends. Every time we eat, our mouths go to work cleaning things up and restoring “balance”. Having three meals a day is one thing. But when we continuously snack, our mouths struggle more to maintain that clean, happy balance—especially when we’re eating the wrong kinds…

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Can employees challenge employment documents they signed?

THE common belief is that signing an agreement binds an employee to all the terms in the document. But what if the agreement is illegal or a violation of public policy? Do employees have remedies? Consider the following question: Q: We work for a service-oriented company, which made us sign an “independent contractor agreement.” As…

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2013: The final year of the short sale

I SERIOUSLY thought that our short sale days are really numbered, but base on what analyst and realtors are saying this year we would be flooded with short sale. I still don’t see it but that might be a good thing, it will signal the end to problem loans and borrowers. Once the market and…

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Jewelry jeopardy

THERE are two oral fashions causing concern for dentists these days: The prevalence of oral piercing, and the application of dental “grills.” Oral piercing, because of the millions of bacteria in the mouth, brings a high risk of pain, swelling and infection.  Piercing the tongue can lead to uncontrollable bleeding, nerve damage, and even enough…

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Are the products you buy really made in USA?

LOOKING at the new iPad she received last Christmas, a young woman noted that it was “Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China.” She asked what this meant, was the iPad made in the USA or not? In recent years, there has been the common lament that nothing is Made in USA anymore. There…

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Debt forgiveness law survives another year!

THE mortgage industry can relax now with the final fiscal cliff deal bringing back a popular tax break on mortgage insurance premiums and debt forgiveness for borrowers who go through a short-sale or some other type of debt reduction. It was on the tip off the house committee voting to amend but the final hours,…

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New Year, new laws to benefit California employees

IN 2012, some very important laws affecting employee rights took effect. These laws included the Wage Theft Prevention Act, increased penalties for willful misclassification of independent contractors, the prohibition of using credit reports for employment purposes, additional protection to pregnant employees on health coverage for maternity leave, and allowing employees to dress consistently with their…

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10 most common errors in filing tax returns

1. FORGETTING to sign and date the return: An unsigned tax return is considered unfiled. 2. Missing or wrong Social Security Numbers: When entering SSNs for anyone listed on your tax return, be sure to enter them exactly as they appear on the Social Security cards. 3. Misspelled or wrong dependent’s last name: When entering…

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How to pick your mortgage broker

IS THERE a difference between a bank loan officer and a mortgage broker? Nowadays, bank loan officers don’t have a generalize rates, meaning if you call a major bank loan officer in one branch for a loan quote, you could possibly shop the same bank but different branch and get a different price quote? Why…

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Is inherited IRA exempt in bankruptcy?

NOT many people know that parents can transfer their retirement accounts such as 401k and IRA to their children tax free. For instance, you have a 401k of $150,000. At the age of 65, you transfer the 401k to your son and your son keeps the $150,000 as a 401k in your name in his…

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Are you feeling hopeless about your debt problems?

We are now living in the worst economy since the Great Depression. With millions of people being unemployed and struggling with foreclosure, debt problems have become common. Of course, debt is a very personal matter so most people don’t talk about it. You may not realize this but chances are that someone close to you,…

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How to behave during an IRS audit: 20 Don’ts

1. DON’T ignore the IRS. 2. Don’t mess with the IRS. 3. Don’t go to your appointment unprepared. 4. Don’t be late for the appointment. 5. Don’t volunteer information. 6. Don’t be condescending of education, experience, age, or gender. 7. Don’t be arrogant, even if you clearly have an upper hand. 8. Don’t flaunt your…

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Mortgage debt relief act one step closer to an extension

“ The mortgage debt relief extension ultimately could affect millions of families who are underwater on their loans, delinquent on their payments and heading for foreclosure, short sales or deeds-in-lieu-of-foreclosure settlements. Under the federal tax code, all types of forgiven debt are treated as ordinary income, subject to regular tax rates.” SOME encouraging news for financially…

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Autistic debtor discharges student loans

“In Re Todd, the 63-year old debtor had an autism disorder since early childhood. The court described the debtor as articulate and intelligent. If one were to read select portions of the transcript without having watched the trial, one might be fooled into thinking that she can function normally. But that conclusion would be a…

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Chewing sugarless gum can help prevent cavities

THERE ARE LOTS OF REASONS people chew gum. For some, perhaps it’s just a long-standing habit. But ever since a man named Thomas Adams invented chewing gum back in 1870 it’s been used to freshen breath and relieve nervousness too. But did you know… Chewing Sugarless Gum Can Help Prevent Cavities! That’s right. Chewing sugarless…

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Do you need to find a way out of debt?

IF YOU are searching for debt reduction solutions, no doubt you’ve been inundated with advertisements for various debt management programs, companies and solutions. The choices seem confusing to the average consumer. The truth is that every situation is different and what may work perfectly for others is not necessarily going to work the same way…

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Employer time-shaving practice steals money from employees

NICODEMUS Plumbing, a company in Cypress, California was ordered to pay its 44 employees $858,840.20 in wages and $230,050 in fines for violations of California’s laws concerning overtime pay and record-keeping. The California Labor Commissioner’s office had investigated the plumbing contractor and found that the company failed to pay overtime to its employees. It accused…

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When to start receiving Social Security benefits

ANY individual who has worked and contributed to the FICA/Social Security System for 10 years (40 quarters) can start receiving Social Security Retirement benefits at age 67. You may elect to start receiving your SS benefits as early as age 62. You permanently lose about 30 percent of benefits if you retire early at 62….

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Traveling technicians obtain over $8M settlement for unpaid work time

TRAVELING technicians obtain over $8 million settlement for unpaid work time Lojack Corporation manufactures vehicle-tracking systems. Its technicians install and repair alarm and tracking systems for its clients. These installations and repairs are generally done at the clients’ locations. Technicians are required to travel to the job-sites in company-owned vehicles. They are paid hourly beginning…

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Social Security (SS) benefits: Are you covered?

YOU have worked for about 10 years and have paid to the Social Security (SS) administration through FICA deductions from your paycheck. Do you ever wonder if you are indeed covered after all these years? If not, how much more do you need to contribute before being fully covered? Here are 20 tips for your…

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