12 easy ways to attract an audit

WHILE there are no guarantees to avoid an audit, there are creative ways to attract one. Below are 12 easy ways to increase your audit profile. Try any combination to help the IRS zero in on your return: 1. Opt out of e-file to use a name different from the one that appears on your…

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Are you sinking deeper into debt every month?

IF YOU are searching for debt reduction solutions, no doubt you’ve been inundated with advertisements for various debt management programs, companies and solutions. The choices seem confusing to the average consumer. The truth is that every situation is different and what may work perfectly for others is not necessarily going to work the same way…

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Employing your children in summer

IF YOU run your own business, consider employing your children this summer vacation. Employing your children gives you a triple benefit: 1.  It teaches your children the virtue of work and the value of money. 2.  It could save you around 27 percent by shifting income down from a maximum rate of 35 percent for…

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Caregivers to recover over $1.5 million in unpaid wages

BEDFORD Care Group, Inc., a company that operates six assisted living facilities in Fresno County, was recently cited by the labor agency, for violating California’s employment laws including unpaid minimum wage, unpaid overtime, meal and rest break violations, and failure to issue itemized wage statements. The employer was ordered to back-pay eleven residential caregivers a…

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Chapter 13 can help avoid pain of foreclosure

FILING Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often a last resort for people in foreclosure when no other options exist. A lot of homeowners usually put off making this decision for a long time until they find themselves backed into a corner with no way out.  Most of the time they’ll attempt to do a loan modification…

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At 60, do I still want to own a house?

CALLER:  Hi Ken, I have been following your columns for many years and they are very informative and delightful.  I am turning 60 and want to buy a home again. I am retiring in a couple more years and would like your opinion on this subject.  I sold my house in 2006 because I read…

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Helping consumers fight insurance bad faith

WHEN insurance companies issue a policy, they promise that they will take care of their policyholders when they suffer a serious loss to their home, their car, or their health. Life insurers promise that beneficiaries will be provided the benefits when they die. Disability insurers promise that payments will be made in the event of…

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Chapter 13: Make your home and debt payments more affordable

CHAPTER 13 is the section of the US Bankruptcy Code that allows individuals in the United States to reorganize their finances.  If you are having difficulty paying your debts (credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, taxes, late mortgage payments and property taxes- all kinds of debts) due to insufficient income, don’t despair. Chapter 13 may…

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Damage intentionally caused to foreclosed house not dischargeable

“  As already explained, there is no question that the debtor subjectively intended to cause injury to INB’s interest in the residence. The debtor admitted to being involved in removing property from the residence and directing what she unconvincingly characterized as a remodeling project,” the court said.” SECTION 523(a)(6) of the bankruptcy code states that…

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Should you form an LLC?

A LIMITED Liability Company (LLC) is a new form of hybrid business association that combines the advantages of a corporation with the flexibility of a partnership. Let’s explore the advantages & disadvantages of this popular entity. Advantages of LLCs 1. Liabilities are limited to the equity invested by each member. 2. It gives some form…

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Handling serious injuries or a wrongful death

ACCIDENTS that result in serious injuries affect the injured person and his/her family in significant ways.  Rights to medical treatments, including who should pay for past and future medical expenses, and loss of earnings, may become issues.  Physical pains may be accompanied by emotional suffering as the person feels helpless and isolated, unable to pursue…

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Mediating mouth misery

Whether it’s a sports injury, a slip and fall, or perhaps a confrontation with a boxing wannabe, you or someone in your company may suffer the bad luck of having a permanent tooth knocked out or loose. From oral irritations to dental disasters, your dentist is your best source of information on how to best…

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Are your finances out of control?

FOR a lot of people, financial concerns can be their number one cause of stress. We are living in difficult financial times and a lot of people are worried about how they can get by from month to month. But worrying doesn’t really solve anything. If you feel that your finances are out of whack,…

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Troubled by debt? Seek comfort in Psalm 23

SUFFERING is part of the human condition. Adam and Eve introduced pain and suffering to mankind when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Adam blamed Eve for convincing him to partake of the fruit that would give them the knowledge of good and evil, so the tempter, the devil in paradise said to Eve. Before…

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How to avoid IRS audits in 2013

1. E-FILE. When you e-file, your chance of getting an error notice from the IRS is significantly reduced. Besides, it’s faster. Your refunds arrive sooner. 2. Check your occupation. Your occupation must be consistent with your income and expenses. A waiter without tip income is inconsistent. So is an investor with no dividend income, real…

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Protecting your rights under a disability insurance

A DISABILITY insurance policy pays benefits when you are unable to work because of injury or illness. This allows you to meet your financial obligations, such as mortgage payments, or medical bills, while unable to work. Disability policies usually pay a fixed amount for a set period of time, such as five years or up…

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Dream homes maybe more of an illusion

HOUSES may not be homes, but homes could certainly be houses people live in.  What happened in this previous housing crisis taught us an important lesson.  Economic and demographic changes may severely impact the value of houses when its time to sell.  We live now in an “Ideas Economy” with a shrinking industrial base and…

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Looking back: The unfolding of the real estate crisis

I HAVE recently been following this website called, SellYourHome.com it has a lot of interesting topics about the real estate industry including a certain topics about homeowners in need of Mortgage Salvation thru Loan Modification. Now days, here are my thoughts on how our housing crisis is unfolding.  To observe the crisis we have been…

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