Protecting the rights of undocumented workers

OSFEL Andrade, an immigrant from Mexico, worked in the shipping department of Terra Universal, a laboratory equipment manufacturer in Fullerton, California when immigration agents conducted a worksite raid on June 29, 2010. During the raid, ICE agents arrested 43 workers and placed them in deportation proceedings. Andrade was not arrested that day, but instead of…

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10 tips on child / dependent care

IF you paid someone to care for your child, spouse, or dependent, you may be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit on your federal income tax return. Here are 10 tips on claiming a credit for child and dependent care expenses. -The expense for child and dependent care must be provided for…

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Are deductions on your wages legal?

 Q: I WORK at a service-oriented business here in California as an hourly employee. We are required to wear a uniform. We can only get the uniform from our employer and the employer deducts from our pay the cost of these uniforms. Is this deduction legal? How do I know that the deductions from my…

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Good morning, sunshine! How’s your breath?

NO NEED TO BE EMBARRASSED! We all experience morning breath?from time to time. Typically, our morning brushing routines get rid of it. But people wonder where morning breath comes from—and people wonder what to do if it continues throughout the day. Morning breath is primarily caused by dry mouth While general bad breath can have…

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Your debts and the Tower of Babel

(Part 2) LAST week, we talked about the tower of Babel which is located 30 miles from the modern city of Baghdad in Iraq. We destroyed the tower with cruise missiles when we attacked Iraq because we thought that the tower contained Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. Now, we know that chemical weapons, at least,…

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Should your company pay wages by cash?

SOME business establishments pay cash wages “under the table.” Why?  Is it worth it? What are the risks? What does paying cash wages ‘under the table’ mean?  This common phrase means the payment of wages to employees by cash. It also includes payments of wages by checks that are disguised to look like other types…

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Can you be sued for texting someone who is driving ?

Finding other sources of payment for the seriously injured LINDA and David Kubert were riding on their motorcycle when eighteen-year-old Kyle Best, who was driving and texting, crossed the center-line of the road, and collided with them. The Kuberts each lost a leg as a result of the accident. They sued Best. They also sued…

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Your debt problems and the Tower of Babel

PREVIOUSLY, we talked about Noah who was instructed by God, my God, the God of Moses and Israel, who sent His only and beloved Son Jesus Christ, to us and who willingly became man through the Blessed Virgin Mary, suffered and died on the cross to redeem us from the consequences of sin so that…

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Jury awards $3.25 million to employee for discrimination and retaliation

DISCRIMINATION based on disability, race, sex, or other protected characteristics are prohibited by law. The law prohibits not only intentional discrimination, but also practices that have the effect of discriminating against individuals because of their protected characteristics. The law also prohibits retaliating against employees who report about discrimination. Retaliation is illegal and may subject the…

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Inherited IRA not exempt in bankruptcy

YOUR father’s last will and testament gives you his IRA of $180,000. He died yesterday. Next week you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief because your credit card debt of $40,000 is too much for you to handle. You inform your lawyer of your inherited IRA. Your lawyer tells you, not to worry, because IRA’s…

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How employees can protect their rights at work

EMPLOYEES may experience unfair practices at work such as the non-payment of overtime or missed breaks, wrongful termination, unlawful deductions, discrimination, or sexual harassment. How can employees protect themselves against an unfair or abusive employer? The following strategies are suggested: Gather the necessary documents that support your claim. These documents include all pay stubs, time…

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Don’t know what to do about debt problems?

IF YOU are searching for debt reduction solutions, no doubt you’ve been inundated with advertisements for various debt management programs, companies and solutions. The choices seem confusing to the average consumer. The truth is that every situation is different and what may work perfectly for others is not necessarily going to work the same way…

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Your giant debt problems and David & Goliath

GOLIATH was a Philistine giant who was 9 feet tall. The Philistine army had gathered for war against Israel. The two armies faced each other. Israel’s army was led by King Saul who was Israel’s first king but his life turned to tragedy because he did not trust God, my God, the God of Moses…

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Why file bankruptcy?

LIKE most people, you’ve probably heard a lot of negative things about bankruptcy and that how filing could be the worst mistake you’ll ever make in your life. And like most people, you’ve been misled! There is so much misinformation out there about bankruptcy that a lot of good, honest, hard-working people are missing out…

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10 tips on mortgage debt forgiveness

IF your mortgage loan is forgiven, you end up with income from cancellation of debt. Here are 10 tips to exclude the forgiven debt from your income. • Cancellation of debt (COD) or debt forgiveness results in taxable income; however, you may be able to exclude the income (meaning you don’t have to pay tax…

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2013: The final year of the short sale

LENDERS as I thought are more aggressively helping homeowners modify their mortgages. I have seen more loan balance forbearance lately.  Another term for that is a loan modification with a Balloon payoff for the remaining balance.  Lenders will structure this modification package with the homeowner paying a portion with full interest payment and another smaller…

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