I owe the IRS – what can I do?

HERE 10 tips if you owe but cannot immediately pay the IRS: • Pay What you can: Pay promptly to stop additional penalties and interest from accruing.  If you are unable to pay, consider getting a loan to pay the bill in full rather than make installment payments to the IRS. • Additional Time to…

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Can employees challenge employment documents they signed?

WE previously discussed the question of whether an employee’s signature to an independent contractor (IC) agreement binds the employee to the terms of that agreement. We noted that the law determines the worker’s status, not the parties’ agreement.  Even if there was an IC agreement, workers who are treated as employees will not be bound…

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Debt problems: Are you lost in a ‘money fog’?

MAYBE you’ve experienced this before: You’re driving down the road one cold, chilly day and before you know it, you find yourself surrounded by a thick white wall of dense fog. How did you react to the situation?  If you’re like most people, perhaps you felt momentarily lost and confused or perhaps even panicked, not…

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Dental-related fun facts

INDEED, dentistry is serious business. But that doesn’t mean we have to take ourselves too seriously all the time, right? Here are some dental-related fun facts: •  A typical elephant’s molar weighs nearly nine pounds. •  In 1994, a West Virginia prison inmate braided dental floss into a rope to escape! •  The first toothbrush with animal…

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Getting the word out with advertising

One thing I truly enjoy about my job is my relationship with my clients. I get to speak with CEOs, Presidents from large corporations and small business owners from various industries, which keeps things interesting. The biggest difference that I see between large and small business are resources. The one thing that tends to elude…

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Is college tuition deferral dischargeable?

SECTION 523(a)(8)(A)(ii) of the current bankruptcy code states that “an obligation to repay funds received as an educational benefit, scholarship or stipend;” is not dischargeable in bankruptcy unless excepting such debt from discharge would impose an undue hardship on the debtor and the debtor’s dependents. An adversarial proceeding is required to determine if a student…

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IRS alert – protect your self from email scams

TAX scams via email have become widespread over the last year. Thieves have become bolder. Their bogus IRS website has improved graphics and looks so real that even a veteran IRS auditor unwittingly logged into it. If he can be duped into this bogus website, what about ordinary folks like you and me? The IRS…

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Should commissions be included in computing overtime pay?

When employees are entitled to higher pay ANDREW Prizler worked as an hourly retail sales consultant at AT&T Mobility Services. Being in sales, he was also paid commissions. In June 2012, Prizler sued his employer, alleging that employer failed to pay him and other employees like him, all wages due, including overtime wages. Additionally, when…

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Bankruptcy: When financial stress becomes unbearable

ARE you having problems paying your debts? Are creditors calling you day and night threatening you with a wage garnishment, repossession or foreclosure? Are you starting to feel hopeless and depressed about your situation and don’t know where to turn for help? The last few years have been tough for a lot of people. You…

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Senior citizen client seeks Chapter 7 relief

CLIENT is a woman who is 72 years old. She worked as a mental health therapist for 40 years since she was actually a physician abroad. She was happy doing her job helping people to get their sanity back on track. She married her co-employee and they had two children. After 20 years, husband told…

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IRS alert – protect yourself from telephone scams

ABOUT a dozen of my clients have complained of receiving threatening phone calls from the “IRS” to pay up or be subject to criminal investigation. This is a problem for us taxpaying folks. And it’s growing. The IRS renewed its warning about an emerging phone scam that continues to target people across the nation, especially…

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Our tribute to some of the first women in dentistry

TODAY there are as many women as there are men in dental schools. But 150 years ago it was very different. We admire and honor those women who paved the way. Women in dentistry Unofficially, women in dentistry go back a long way.  Although a dental education wasn’t available to women until fairly recently, women have…

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A family business crisis waiting to happen

When a business owner dies or becomes permanently disabled, the business itself may die or be permanently disabled on the same day – not because something wrong was done – but because nothing was done! ACCORDING to a Forbes article, when Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-Hee suffered a heart attack in May, investors began to…

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Midnight Chapter 13 filing saves client’s house

CLIENT is 48 yrs old and operates a construction business. He also dabbles in fixer uppers to make money. His wife is an accountant and makes $5,000 a month. Business has not been good apparently. Their residence has equity of $200,000. He owes $150,000 of credit card debt which he used for business. Client has…

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10 tips on child/dependent care

IF YOU paid someone to care for your child, spouse, or dependent, you may be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit on your federal income tax return. Here are 10 tips on claiming a credit for child and dependent care expenses. • The expense for child and dependent care must be provided…

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What to do if you were fired

TERMINATIONS can be difficult situations, particularly where employees see the firing as unfair. Knowing one’s rights upon the end of an employment relationship may help employees weather this challenging time.  The following provides some helpful guidelines: First: Make sure that the employment relationship has ended and there is no misunderstanding about this. Employment can end…

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Where did your debt problems come from?

A PROSPECTIVE client was consulting with me the other day about credit card debts that have been piling up. He looked shocked and confused as we sorted through all the credit card statements on my desk and added up how much he owed. $65,000! That’s how much the statements said he owed!  How could this…

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Who should pay for work-related cellphone bills?

Employees’ right to reimbursement COLIN Cochran sued his employer, Schwan’s Home Service, Inc., in a class action on behalf of about 1,500 customer service managers who were not reimbursed for expenses pertaining to the work-related use of their personal cell phones. Under California law, employees are entitled to reimbursements for expenses incurred in direct consequence…

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Should you file married filing separately?

OF course not. Why should I pay taxes based on the highest tax rates? The lowest rates belong to joint filers and widows, followed by heads of household, and single taxpayers. Certainly, it does not make sense to file married filing separate and pay those sky-high rates. Or does it? Let’s discuss the advantages and…

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