How to solve IRS problems

READ this if you owe the IRS money and can’t pay. IRS problems have a way of ruining all aspects of your life.  They take a toll on you FINANCIALLY, PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY. They’re there when you go to bed at night and they’re there when you wake up in the morning. The IRS is…

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Apply now for Obama immigration amnesty

Last week, President Obama finally fulfilled his promise to provide executive amnesty to those who do not have legal status. The President did not call it amnesty, but in fact it is amnesty because his program gives legal status for a period of three years and gives eligible candidates a work permit to work legally…

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Are your debt problems straining your marriage?

FROM what I’ve witnessed in the last 15 years as a bankruptcy attorney, debt problems can put a huge stress on any marriage. When couples are going through a financial crisis, they are often deeply frustrated with one another especially when they are not on the same page as to what they need to do…

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Public relations

If you have been thinking about marketing your company or brand, you have probably heard these buzz words: paid media, owned media, and earned media. You might be asking yourself “What is the difference?” It is mind boggling trying to understand what is going on in marketing these days. Last month, we discussed paid media—referring…

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Oral health and whole body health are closely linked

It surprises people to learn that dentists are often first to discover health conditions like HIV, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. In part, that’s because we typically see you more often than your physician does. THERE are more bacteria in your mouth right this minute than there are people on this planet. Thoughtful dental…

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Legal and illegal deductions: Know the difference

Q: AT work, we are required to wear a uniform, which only the employer can provide. The cost of the uniform is deducted from our pay. Is this deduction legal? A: No, this deduction for employer-mandated uniform is prohibited under California law. If the employer requires its employees to wear uniforms at work, the employer…

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Face debt problems now to avoid pain later

WHEN people are going through financial difficulty and are unable to pay their bills, their first reaction is often to ignore their debts and avoid contact with creditors. They think that by doing this, somehow the creditors will simply give up and go away.  Then one day the problem blows up in their face. Then…

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Why biting down on aluminum foil hurts

HAVE you ever accidentally bitten down on a little piece of aluminum foil? Have you experienced that quick zap of pain? Perhaps a little piece of foil was clinging to the tortilla when you unwrapped your taco during lunch. When that foil came in contact with metal in your mouth (such as an amalgam filling, a metal crown, or…

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IRS may have refunds waiting for you

IF YOU earned income in the last few years but didn’t file a tax return because your wages were below the filing requirement, the Internal Revenue Service may have some money for you. The IRS also has millions of dollars in checks that are mailed but returned each year as undeliverable. There are two types…

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How do you keep good tax records?

1. IRS wants you to keep good records to document your income and support your expenses. It does not require you to keep records in any specific manner, but there are proven ways to keep good files. Read on. 2. There are two basic types of filers: the rat pack that hoards files for the…

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Media channels for advertising

What is the first thing you do when planning for your daily commute? You probably watch the news, check for train or bus delays on the internet, or check a navigation app on your phone for the most efficient ways to get to your destination. Based on traffic or accidents, you might even consider alternative…

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Federal penalties for underpayment of taxes

“Taxpayers who are hit with the 20 percent penalty for negligence or disregard of rules may try to establish reasonable cause for underpayment and show that you acted in good faith.” AS OUR tax laws become more complex, we find it more difficult to comply.  As we fail to comply in filing or paying required…

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Why do you need to get out of debt?

PEOPLE come to me every day with different reasons for getting out of debt. Most of the time, I’m thinking that they would have been better off had they come to me sooner to get help. Had they done this, they’d be doing a lot better by now and could have avoided a lot of…

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Rules to follow for a smile-healthy Halloween

HERE it comes! The season of ghosts, ghouls, witches, and, of course… candy! If you’re savvy about it, there’s no reason for your Halloween fun to come at the expense of your dental health. Rule 1: A little candy all at once is probably better than candy all day long When it comes to your…

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