Protecting your pets upon passing

APPROXIMATELY 78 million dogs and 85.8 million cats are owned in the United States (ASPCA Pet Statistics). About 52% of California households own a pet (American Veterinary Medical Association 2011 survey) and in San Francisco, “dogs outnumber children” (U.S. census figures from 2000 and 2005). Pets are a very important part of the American home. …

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Filipina domestic employee wins $827,506 in wage trial

A FILIPINA domestic employee won her wage claims against her former employers after a court trial held in Los Angeles Superior Court. Linda Alzate (not her real name), an immigrant worker represented by Filipino-American employment lawyer, Joe Sayas, obtained a court judgment in the amount of $827,506, representing wages, legal interest, penalties, and attorneys’ fees….

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All about the fair debt collection practices act 

THE Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that was enacted in 1978 by the United States Congress to protect consumers from abusive debt collectors. Note, however, that the FDCPA applies only to third-party collectors who collect debt for original creditors. It does not apply to the original creditor itself who uses…

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Business tax provisions

1. THE new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cuts corporate taxes from eight graduated rates of 15 percent to 35 percent to a flat rate of 21 percent. 2. The Act provides a 20 percent deduction for owners, partners and shareholders of pass-through entities such as S-corporations, LLCs and partnerships. However, the 20 percent deduction…

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Reduce your stress by reducing your debt

HAVE debt problems taken over your life? Do you lie awake at night thinking how in the world you’re going to pay back your debts while still being able to support yourself and your family? Do you ever feel like you are working for nothing because all your income just goes to paying creditors every…

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Death of a taxpayer

Part 1 WHAT you need to know when your loved one dies or when you die? What is meant by Final Form 1040, filing of Form 1041 and Form 706? • Final Form 1040: When you die your final year ends with the date of your death. Your Final Form 1040 income tax return is…

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Illegal work discrimination based on sex orientation

JAMES Pearl was hired in 2002 by the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation. In 2006, he was promoted as a wastewater collection supervisor. In 2011, he was transferred to an office in Reseda. Pearl complained, alleging that it was retaliation for his complaint about a fellow worker’s misconduct. Pearl filed a discrimination complaint with California’s…

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20 individual tax provisions

HERE’S a list of tax provisions of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act affecting individuals like you and me. 1. The new Tax Cut and Jobs Act keeps seven tax brackets with six of them at lower rates. Most of us will benefit from the new rates, even if the press says the opposite. 2….

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Do you have more debt than you can handle? 

MOST people don’t talk about their debts because they find that conversation embarrassing. They can talk to their friends and family about everything else but when it comes to the subject of how much debt they are carrying, most people would not divulge any information. It makes them very uncomfortable. So what happens is that…

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Clarifying California’s rules on breaks

Q: I have just entered the work force and I work in the service industry on 12-hour shifts. My supervisor says I am entitled to one 30-minute lunch break and two rest breaks of 10 minutes each. A co-worker said it should actually be two lunch breaks and three rest breaks because we work 12…

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Education provisions

THE Tax Cuts and Jobs Act saves the student loan interest deduction and keeps tuition waivers for graduate students tax-free. It also expands 529 savings accounts to include private K-12 education. Let’s discuss further. 1. American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits remain the same: Both American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit remain the same….

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What really causes people to file bankruptcy?

A LOT of people who don’t have a clue about how bankruptcy works are sometimes too quick to judge others who find bankruptcy as their only option to get out of debt. These people think that filing bankruptcy is something they will never do because it is ‘wrong to run away from your responsibilities’. This…

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What you need to know about pretax plans

THE only means an employer can offer employees between taxable and nontaxable benefits is through section 125 plan. What are a section 125 plan, a cafeteria plan, and the IRS requirements for this plan? 1. Cafeteria Plan: Cafeteria plan is a written plan maintained by employer for employees that meets the requirements and regulations of…

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What you should know about the new tax law P6

Part 6: Homeowners 1. THE Tax Cut and Jobs Act reduces the maximum amount of mortgage debt to acquire a first or second residence for which you can claim itemized interest expense deductions from loans of $1 million ($500,000 for married filing separately) to $750,000 ($375,000 for married filing separately). 2. Current homeowners will not…

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When debt problems cause marriage problems

EVERY day, I meet with couples who are deeply in debt. In a lot of cases, I can feel the stress level that they are experiencing while the couple is in my office. Emotions often run high and you can feel the tension in the air. There can be a lot of finger-pointing, resentment, anger,…

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California updates: Part 1

Audit Issues:  If you claim deductions for medical expenses, charitable contributions, and employee business expenses in Schedule A of your Federal Form 1040 do not be surprised if you received a letter. Starting January 1, 2018 California will be sending letters related to these deductions. Beware of double dipping your deductions. Some taxpayers claim medical…

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Food retailer client seeks Chapter 7 relief 

THE client is a specialty food retailer who started operations in a commercial center two years ago. Five partners invested $50,000 each for a total of $250,000 for a food business that sells a specialty product that everyone likes to eat. The problem with a business that’s based on a retail outlet in a commercial…

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Are you worried about filing bankruptcy?

 ARE you one of many people who needs to file bankruptcy but you are afraid that it may be the worst mistake you can ever make in your life? Are you thinking about what your friends and family may think if they ever find out about your filing? If you’ve never owned a home and…

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#MeToo is not just a movement, it is evidence in discrimination claims

“ Apart from becoming a cultural phenomenon, the phrase ‘me-too’ is actually found in the law, as when plaintiffs invoke ‘me-too’ evidence in support of their claims for damages involving sexual harassment and discrimination.” THE MeToo ampaign started about 10 years ago but only recently developed into a movement and exploded into public attention in the wake of news stories regarding Hollywood producer…

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