What you need to know about pretax plans

THE only means an employer can offer employees between taxable and nontaxable benefits is through section 125 plan. What are a section 125 plan, a cafeteria plan, and the IRS requirements for this plan? 1. Cafeteria Plan: Cafeteria plan is a written plan maintained by employer for employees that meets the requirements and regulations of…

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What is unlawful discrimination and how to protect against it

ON May 29, 2018, about 175,000 Starbucks workers at about 8,000 locations will undergo a training on race discrimination. The training session will focus on understanding both racial bias and the history of racial discrimination in public spaces in the United States. Starbucks announced the training session after two black men were arrested for allegedly…

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Bankruptcy: Should you file now or later?

“If you’ve come to the end of your financial rope and don’t know what else to do, it is time to face your debt problems with dignity and do what your situation calls for.” THE last several years have been financially difficult for a lot of people. When the real estate marked crashed a few…

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Delinquent tax debt could mean revocation of your passport

IN February 2018, the IRS will start certification of individuals with delinquent tax debt to the State Department.  How will the IRS certification impacts you? • Upon receipt of certification. The State Department will either deny application or revoke current passport or both. • You are overseas. Limited validity passport for direct return to the…

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What to do if you were fired

TERMINATIONS can be difficult situations, particularly where employees see the firing as unfair. The following are some helpful guidelines in navigating this difficult time: First: Make sure that the employment relationship has ended and there is no misunderstanding about this. Employment may end by resignation, lay-off, or discharge. “Discharge” includes involuntary termination (being fired). Second:…

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Finding hope when facing bankruptcy

IT can happen to anybody. At one time or another in life, we may be faced with financial and debt issues that seem impossible to overcome. A lot of people end up filing bankruptcy when they get to the point of feeling hopeless about their financial problems. Despite what others may think, there is no…

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Should you file FBAR for foreign bank accounts?

IF you have a financial interest in or signature authority over a foreign financial account, including a bank account, brokerage account, mutual fund, trust, or other type of foreign financial account, the Bank Secrecy Act may require you to report the account yearly to the Internal Revenue Service by filing FinCEN Form 114, Report of…

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FATCA reminder for US persons

THE Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requires foreign financial Institutions and other non-financial foreign entities to report on the foreign assets held by their U.S. account holders or be subject to withholding on certain payments. 1. Form 8938 Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets: U.S. taxpayers holding financial assets outside the United States must…

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Do I need a will?

FOR most of us, busy driving the kids (or grand-kids) to school, going to work, and trying to pay the bills, the last thing on our minds is our mortality. Perhaps that’s why more than 64% of Americans don’t have a will. It’s also partially because most people don’t like to think about death,” according…

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Solar energy credit for residential 2

SEC 25C refers to the $500 home or residential energy efficient credit expired after 2016. Sec 25D refers to the solar electric and solar water heating systems residential energy efficient property credit (REEP credit).There is no dollar limit on the credit and credit percentages are: through 2019 the credit amount is equal to 30 %…

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Problems surrounding employees paid by commission

MICHELLE McGrath and Veronica O’Boy worked for Wyndham Resort Development Corporation and its affiliates as Salespersons in California. Wyndham employed them to sell its goods and services such as interests in timeshare properties.  After a two-month training period, Salespersons are compensated only by commission and advances on commissions based on sales of Wyndham’s products and…

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OIC basics: Series 1

STARTING March 27, 2017, new applications for offer in compromise (OIC) plus the application fee will be returned by the IRS if all required income tax returns are not filed and there is no valid extension filed for the current year income tax returns. The initial payment submitted with the returned application will be applied…

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Fraud audit – What to do

CRIMINAL Investigations can be initiated from information obtained from within the IRS when a Revenue Agent (auditor) or Revenue Officer (collection) detects possible fraud.  Information is also routinely received from the public as well as from ongoing investigations underway by other law enforcement agencies or by United States Attorney’s offices across the country. What should…

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Sex discrimination in the workplace: A continuing problem

THESE days, employers generally know that gender discrimination, i.e., singling out someone for negative treatment just because of their sex, is illegal. Employers may have a handbook saying all the right words to discourage gender discrimination. However, the existence of an employer’s written anti-discrimination policy does not mean that it is followed in practice. Even…

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