YOU may have heard that you should replace your toothbrush (or toothbrush head, if you use an electric toothbrush) every three months, or at the beginning of each new season.  But are there other times you should replace your brush?  Yes!  Replace your toothbrush after a cold or flu, to avoid re-infecting yourself, and , of course, replace any toothbrush that has worn-out splayed bristles.
The most important thing when deciding on a new toothbrush is to choose one you’re comfortable with, which will encourage you to brush at least twice a day.  You’ll want to consider the following tips:
•  Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles, to avoid damaging your teeth and gums.
•  Consider the shape of the toothbrush’s head, to make sure it’s not too large to reach your back molars.
•  Get the right-sized toothbrush for the kids.  And look for ones in fun colors and designs, to encourage kids to brush.
•  Avoid the dollar store, no-name toothbrushes.  At best, they may be good for scrubbing the gunk from your bathroom faucets.  At worst, they may be made of inferior, unsafe materials – the last thing you’ll want to put in your mouth.
Ask us about the differences between manual and power toothbrushes, and their varieties.  Then, choose whichever one will help you maintain an effective, consistent brushing routine.


Dr. Librada C. Yamat is a Family Dentist specializing in Cosmetic Dentistry. She has been practicing since 1992 in her Daly City office located at 187 Southgate Ave. (650) 991-2832. She is president of the MCU Dental Alumni Association and former president of the American Federation of Filipino Dental Practitioners. 

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