Reverend Rodel Balagtas

On the treasures we store

IN the 4th Century, an erudite and holy bishop named Basil (canonized as St. Basil the Great) played a significant role in the formulation of orthodox theology while he interacted with the rich and influential men and women of his times.  In a sermon on charity, he said these direct and challenging words that still…

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You belong to Christ

“YOU were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead.” (Col 2:12) You might not remember the date of your baptism, but it is one of the most important days of your life. For on that day,…

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The better part of the day

I’M merely in my third week of serving as pastor of Incarnation Church, and I love it. The people are warm, and the neighborhood is serene. I know that as time goes by, I will be busy with many ministerial and administrative duties. But I like to take my time now, slowly getting into the…

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On being connected to God in a digital era 

“I Am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)  Jesus’ image of the intimate connection between the vine and the branches speaks of his earnest desire to be in union with us. It’s the same…

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The call to ministry  

“We can see and feel the urgency of this call in this present time when many people have left the Church and do not feel the need to be affiliated to any religious institution.” I’M embarking on another new beginning in my life as a priest. This past week, I started my new assignment as…

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Preach Jesus! 

THE rooms of the dormitories are now clean and empty, and the seminary is quiet, for the academic year has ended, and the seminarians have left for summer vacation. Some of them finished their long years of seminary formation—seven years for most of them. They are now newly ordained priests, excited in their first assignment….

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The God who creates, redeems, and sustains

AS David looked up into the skies and contemplated the vast and endless heavens, the beauty of the night captured his heart in worship and adoration to God, and so he shouted, “O Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.” Then he reflected on the seemingly insignificant value of a human being…

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Entering priesthood

FOURTEEN new priests graduated from St. John’s Seminary this past school year: six for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; three for the Diocese of Monterey; three for the Diocese of Orange; and two for the Diocese of San Bernardino. They are ready and excited to serve the People of God after at least seven years…

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The gift of the Holy Spirit

“He’s Jesus, our Lord, who promised his disciples and all of us who would believe in him his abiding presence. And so, he gave us the most precious gift: his Spirit dwelling within us, which satisfies beyond all human expectations.” HAVE you recently received a gift? One that moved your heart in sincere gratitude to…

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Be brave! 

(Excerpt from my commencement speech to the graduates of St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA on May 14, 2019) What words of advice should I leave you, my dear graduates and seminarians? First, believe!  Believe in yourself and all the gifts that God has given you. Don’t listen to the voices of negativity that tell you…

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The beautiful Anima Christi prayer

MICAHEL Masteller, a seminarian who is doing an internship at Resurrection Church in East Los Angeles, wrote a reflection paper on his experience of visiting a parishioner, Maria, who had just arrived home from the hospital after surgery.  During this visit, Michael remembered that a few months back he also came to see Maria’s sick…

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On taming down a culture of cruelty and condemnation

SO much condemnation goes on in our society today, especially in social media, television, and digital world. People condemn each other for their different opinions on social, political, religious, and cultural issues. Because of this milieu, one either choose to be courageous, timid, or silent about presenting his or her thoughts and feelings. Of course,…

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The prodigious love of God, the Father 

GOD never closes his heart to anyone of his children. His love and forgiveness are prodigious—immense like the ocean and the universe.  It’s no wonder that his Son, Jesus, showed this kind of love to us by dying on the cross with open arms. God’s love for us is prodigious that no matter how big…

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God: I am who I am

GOD’S intimate and active involvement in the lives of His people and those he chose to lead has always amazed me. Take for example his dialogue with Moses in the story of The Burning Bush, which is our First Reading on this Third Sunday of Lent (Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15). God called Moses from the burning…

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My church in her trying times

DO you trust the Lord, especially in times of crisis and uncertainty? Do you believe in His promises of healing, salvation, and new life? Can you take the risk of believing in God’s promises even when the present times in your life, the world and the church are not glorious? Any affirmative responses to these…

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Confessing God as Lord and Savior

Many times we hear from fellow Christians of Evangelical denominations that if we accept Jesus as our Lord, we will be saved. Well, this conviction comes from Romans 10:8-13, the Second Reading on this Sunday of Lent. “…for, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God…

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Another kind of blindness

“Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit?” (Luke 6:39). No one wants to be blind. No one wants to be deprived of seeing the beauty of this world, the people around us, especially our loved ones.  No one cannot imagine himself or herself not being able to…

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Blessed are those who follow Jesus!

AT first glance, we may think that Jesus was speaking to a general audience when he was proclaiming the Beatitudes. But after reading this Gospel scene (Luke 6:17, 20-16) thoroughly, we would find out that Jesus was directly conveying its message to his disciples. For the Gospel states, “And raising his eyes toward his disciples,…

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Ministry and theology at the margins

AS I write this article, I am in frigid Ashville, North Carolina, attending the 35th Biennial Consultation of the Association of Theological Field Education (ATFE). I thank God for the opportunity to be with other professionals in theological field education who prepare seminarians and lay students for ministry to the People of God.      The first…

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Mary of humanity, Mary of the poor

SHOWING a deep concern for the newly married couple in Cana, Mary told Jesus, “They have no wine.” Jesus responded, “Woman, how does your concern affect me. My hour has not yet come.” Mary was confident that Jesus would do something about this lack. So she instructed the waiters, saying, “Do whatever he tells you.” Then Jesus…

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On living out our Christian baptism

NO matter how “worldly” we can become, there will moments when we feel the restlessness of wanting to relate with someone higher than us, someone bigger than life. Deep within is the longing to connect with the Divine. This is what differs us from other species of the animal kingdom. As human beings, we long…

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On keeping peace and faith in family

AS Christmas season passed by, we looked at the photos of families and friends we shared on Facebook and Instagram and expressed a profound sense of gratitude to God. Thank God that we were able to push through another Christmas gathering. Thank God for siblings, nieces, nephews, and other family members who drove or flew…

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“Mary Christmas”

  THERE wouldn’t Christmas without Mary. There wouldn’t be Christmas without her fiat—her absolute “yes” to be the Mother of God so that Jesus, the Son of God, would be born to bring salvation to the whole humankind and the world.   It was in in God’s plan that His Son Jesus would be born…

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