Reverend Rodel Balagtas

The faith that must keep burning in us

BY the time you read this article, I hope that our nation would move on with the newly elected president and other leaders. We need to tackle the continuing challenges of health, economy, education, climate change, unity, rights, and justice for people of all races and life stages.  We cannot afford to be divided as…

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Anchoring our lives in someone or something beyond us

I CANNOT imagine living one’s life without holding on to something and someone beyond us. Life can be harsh, painful, messy, brutal, and bitter. Thank God we have our family members and friends to express and unburden our fears, anxieties, and frustrations and ask for their prayers and support. Still, we need Someone beyond finite…

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The arduousness of love

WE speak about love as if it is the easiest thing to do. It’s because we often equate love with a deep sentiment towards one’s parent, child, or friend, or a romantic and sexual expression toward a spouse, or a passion for one’s profession. Love is more than a feeling. It’s an action, a decision,…

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God’s invitation

“I can do all things in him who strengthens me!” (Philippians 12:1) THESE words of St. Paul from the Second Reading this Sunday evoke the joy of Christian life. With the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ,  and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can face and endure the challenges and pains of life….

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On the possibility and healing power of forgiveness

HOW often should we forgive someone who has wronged us? Peter asked Jesus this age-old question in the Gospel this Sunday. “Oh, Peter,” Jesus responded, “not just seven times but seventy-seven times.” While Peter saw a limit to the number of times we have to forgive, Jesus taught “bottomless” forgiveness to anyone who offended us. …

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On working for reconciliation, peace, and unity

AS I often say, we’re living in a polarized society. There are so many conflicts and divisions in our country today, especially during this presidential election campaign. Protests and riots continue to arise, such as those in Portland, Oregon, and Kenosha, Wisconsin, causing more violence, killings, differences of opinions, and deep divisions among politicians and…

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The presence of evil in the world

IS Satan real? In other words, does he exist and still influence our thoughts and actions? This is a fundamental question that often comes to our minds. Well, I’m sure we can answer this question by merely looking at the evil things going on around us and in the world. Among them are corruption, greed,…

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On being a ‘rock’ like Peter

“Jesus knew that Peter would be humble to accept his weaknesses and turn to the Living God for wisdom and strength.” “AND I say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail over it. I will give you the keys…

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The power of faith during challenging times

A PRIEST flew thousands of miles to spend a month with the community of Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India. He was in a stage of discernment for God’s further purpose in his priestly life. On the first morning that he met Mother Teresa, the pious nun asked him, “What do you want me to pray…

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”It is I; do not fear!”

WE have another fascinating Gospel Reading (Matthew 14:-36) this Sunday. As the disciples were on a boat in the midst of fierce winds and waves, Jesus showed himself to them by walking on the water. Then the disciples shouted saying, “It is a ghost!” Jesus responded, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”…

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People of compassion

IF Jesus were here on earth today, he would be much concerned about the thousands of people suffering from the coronavirus pandemic. And if he were here in Los Angeles, he would most likely go to the low-income neighborhoods of Central Los Angeles, which has some of the highest death rates from COVID-19. There, he…

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On discerning who to vote for

A FRIEND of mine called me to say that he needed to talk. He and his aunt just had a heated conversation about the coming U.S. presidential election. “I’m confused, Father,” he told me. “I’m not sure who to vote. As a Catholic, I need to vote for someone who upholds our values.” We then…

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The test of the human spirit

“GOOD things can come out of bad things,” I would tell others and myself. Take, for example, the effects of this coronavirus pandemic. Undoubtedly, it is s the worst tragedy that has happened to our generation in these times, and we’d rather not experience it. Who wouldn’t tremble at learning the death of thousands of…

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On our image of Jesus

OUR image of Jesus might often be that of a nice and sweet person who does not bring troubles. That’s not how the Gospels portray him. He was not always lovely and sweet. He didn’t keep his mouth shut when he saw things in disorder. He didn’t always appease people. He gave impassioned speeches against…

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A prophet’s reward

“WHOEVER receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward.” (Matthew 10:41) Time flies fast, as we always say.  It will be a year on July 1 since I started my ministry at Incarnation Church. It has been a good year for me despite the coronavirus pandemic’s challenges on our church…

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The critical work of justice and peace

OUR country has a dire and urgent need for prayers, my friends. Not only has it suffered tremendously from the coronavirus pandemic, but it’s also undergoing unrest civic and political unrest. The unjust death of George Floyd in the hands of the several policemen in Minneapolis has triggered demonstrations and unacceptable violence, looting, and burning…

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On keeping the mission open

I WAS happy to see two of my former students on livestream get ordained as transitional deacons last week for the Diocese of Monterey, California. But I felt sad that only their parents, a few priests and liturgical ministers witnessed in person this long-awaited event due to COVID-19 restrictions. Nonetheless, I saw how their faces…

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Where one’s Christian faith rests on

THEY were five strong Catholic women who shared with me their faith via conference. They prayed the Rosary fervently and revealed the boldness, tenacity, and joy of their faith. One of them remarked, “I feel that this difficult time has even made my faith in Jesus stronger. I feel a stirring joy in my heart…

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Prayer and spirituality as ‘essential’

ONE of the American spiritual writers in the 20th century who contributed to the depth of spirituality of many Christians was a monk named Thomas Merton. In his book, “A Life in Letters,” Thomas Merton expressed his innermost desire to spend his life dwelling on God and being present to him every minute and every…

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Testing leadership

MY friends, this coronavirus pandemic has challenged and tested not only our faith, health, and our nation’s strength but one’s leadership. When I talk about leadership, I don’t just mean the leadership in government.  I also refer to leadership is families, schools, churches, businesses, and personal lives. This trying time has challenged the usual ways…

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On God’s silence

I’M praying that you continue to be strong in faith amid this pandemic. Like you, I often ask God to make his will and presence known, to put an end to this crisis. And there are times when I am tempted to think that he is not listening to our prayers, especially now that we…

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Our need for peace

PEACE! It’s one of the essential commodities that we need now. Unfortunately, it’s something that we cannot buy from the grocery stores or online. If we could buy it, it will run out fast like toilet paper! How do we obtain peace during these trying times? The Scripture Readings last Sunday on the Feast of…

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THIS Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. Let’s keep imploring God’s Mercy to end this coronavirus pandemic so that businesses, governments, schools, and churches can open. We’re all eagerly waiting to go back to our normal lives. These past five weeks of staying at home and social distancing have been painful and challenging. We learned many…

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The cross of COVID-19

HAPPY Easter! This year’s celebration of Holy Week and Easter is unprecedented for all of us Christians, for we could not gather as a community to hold masses and services in our churches. It’s because of coronavirus pandemic that prohibited us from any public gatherings. Indeed, COVID-19 interrupted Lenten, Holy Week, and Easter celebrations all…

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An unprecedented Holy Week ahead

This Passion/Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. Sadly, we will not able to celebrate Holy Week in our churches because of the carnivorous pandemic. It’s a huge cross that we all need to carry. We can’t gather as communities of faith to get our palms blessed and celebrate the Triduum Masses (Holy Thursday,…

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As we grapple with these challenging times

“Let’s deal with them, struggle with them, remain hopeful for each other and the whole humanity, and trust in the mighty power of God over our lives and the universe.” WE can spend many years of studies, read many books, travel to many places, hear from both the simple and the learned people, and learn…

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Our light must shine!

“ This is now the best time for our light, our Christian faith, to shine!” AS I was praying in the rectory chapel last Tuesday morning, the glaring light of the sun came through the room and hit my face, prompting me to look out from the window. Then I saw the morning sun beaming…

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On keeping faith in these troubled times

“ Let’s take this Lent as a time of purification. Let Jesus purify our minds and hearts to what is essential in life.” ON this third Sunday of Lent, we hear from the Gospel of John, The Woman at the Well (John 4:5-42). It’s a compelling story that speaks of Jesus, offering himself as the…

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How to deal with worries

WORRIES are part of human life. They bring fear in us and rob us of sleep. They prevent us from being fully present to others and mindful of the work at hand. But worries and anxieties can also be productive. They allow us to plan and to take necessary actions. If we don’t worry about…

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