Gel Santos Relos

Gel Santos Relos is the anchor of TFC’s “Balitang America.” Views and opinions expressed by the author in this column are solely those of the author and not of Asian Journal and ABS-CBN-TFC. For comments, go to and

Trump to subvert the Constitution by terminating birthright citizenship using an executive order

ONE WEEK before the consequential midterm elections — amid the news cycle being dominated by criticisms against the massacre of 11 people in a synagogue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the sending of pipe bombs via mail to prominent Democrats critical of Trump, including news organization CNN by a Trump fanatic Filipino-Italian American; the deaths of two black…

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Poll insights: Fil-Ams may prefer Republicans in Senate races & be split in House races, but stand with Democrats on issues

KABABAYANS from both sides of the aisle expressed strong sentiments, questioning the results of the 2018 Asian American Voter Survey by the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Vote, which found that while 58 percent of registered Asian Americans overall disapprove of President Donald Trump’s performance as president, registered Filipino-American voters were split 48-48 on…

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Poll: Asian Americans overall prefer the Democratic party in the Senate race, while Fil-Ams favor the party of Trump

Views split for the House THE November 6 midterm elections are just three weeks away but many Americans have already cast their votes through early voting and mail-in ballots.  Asian Americans, including Filipinos, show high enthusiasm to make their voices heard and cast their vote that may change the political landscape of America. The Filipino…

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Confirming SC nominee Brett Kavanaugh: Do or die for Trump and the GOP’s political survival

LESS than six weeks before the consequential midterm elections, President Donald Trump and the members of the Republican Party are urgently scrambling, moving heaven and earth to confirm Trump’s nominee for Supreme Court (SC) Justice after the retirement of Justice Robert Kennedy. Brilliant legal mind with stellar credentials Kavanaugh has, they assert, and Senate Majority…

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Trump intensifies rhetoric demonizing undocumented immigrants with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts: How this affects us all — with or without “papeles”

WHAT happened to 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts —a beautiful college student from Iowa who was killed by multiple sharp force injuries by an undocumented immigrant when she was on her usual routine run — is perhaps every parent’s nightmare. The family of Tibbetts, however, lamented that her death had been used by the Trump administration for…

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Trump implicated in open court as a co-conspirator in campaign finance violations to influence the 2016 presidential election

UNDER OATH, President Donald Trump’s fixer and long-time personal lawyer Michael Cohen surrendered to the FBI and pleaded guilty to eight counts related to tax fraud, excessive campaign contributions, making false statements to a financial institution, and unlawful corporate contributions at a court hearing in New York on Tuesday, August 21. Trump has been implicated…

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If you support Trump because of illegal immigration and think he will protect you because you came here with ‘papeles,’ think again

MANY KABABAYANS who voted for President Donald Trump tell me that they support him because they believe in his fight against undocumented immigrants. These Filipinos lament that they followed the laws, waited in line, paid their dues and it would be unfair if those who  entered and are staying in the United States illegally would…

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The Founding Fathers must have thought of the likes of Trump, Giuliani and their cohorts when they drafted the US Constitution

THE FOUNDING FATHERS of the United States of America truly had foresight when they structured the democratic government of the United States and wrote the U.S. Constitution in 1787 to protect the country’s people and the forming of a “more perfect union” against entities from within and without who may try to undermine the nation’s…

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‘Collusion’ alert: Did Trump just admit his campaign sought Russia’s help to win the 2016 US presidential election?

DID PRESIDENT Donald Trump just hand Special Counsel Robert Mueller an admission that indeed, his campaign sought to get Russia’s help to get dirt on Hillary Clinton in order to win the 2016 U.S. presidential election. On Sunday, August 5, Trump tweeted: “Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting…

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Only a third of Americans approve of the way Trump handled the Helsinki summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin

PRESIDENT Donald Trump has been touting about how successful his summit with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland was this week, saying on Twitter: ”So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki.” Trump must be referring to a third of Americans (32 percent) — mostly his…

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Trump goes on damage control after choosing to side with Putin over the US intelligence community on Russia’s interference in 2016 election

READING from a script, President Donald Trump attempted to clean up the mess he created during the joint press conference with Russia President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland on Monday, July 16. This follows intense criticism from Republicans, Democrats, and our allies in the international community when Trump said he believed Putin’s denial over the…

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Trump embarrasses America in Europe: Will he now confront Putin over the new Mueller indictment against 12 Russians for meddling in our elections?

STATESMANSHIP seems to be an alien word in the Trump universe. His trip to Europe to meet with our allies and world leaders has yet again embarrassed most Americans, except, of course, his loyal fan base. He went to the NATO summit and acted “pa-macho” and treated the leaders of our allied countries like a…

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Trump’s new SC justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh advocated for sitting president to be immune from criminal investigation

PRESIDENT Donald Trump has just appointed a second Supreme Court Nominee on the second year of his presidency after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement in June. Less than three months before the consequential midterm elections that may swing the balance of power in Congress, Trump immediately nominated conservative Brett Kavanaugh, 53, on Monday, July…

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