Boo Chanco

Harm Reduction

AS we slowly move back to our normal lives even with the virus still very much a threat, public health experts are now more openly talking about ways of mitigating risks of infection other than reverting to lockdowns. Epidemiologists call this harm reduction. It refers to public health tools and practices that acknowledges risk levels…

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Where are we now?

After 60 days of lockdown, where are we now? For sure, we are nowhere near being set free. And it seems we have wasted two months because we had a health secretary who did not understand the importance of mass testing. Rep. Joey Salceda had the patience to crunch the numbers and study experiences in…

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Post COVID travel

WITH our children based abroad, we always look forward to the annual trip to the U.S. for the Christmas holidays. But this year, we plan to stay home. For one thing, I don’t even know if we will be able to travel by December. The U.S. still has a ban on foreigners entering the country,…

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Our COVID-19 economy

LET us face the reality of our situation: the pace and quality of our lives now and in the foreseeable future will be dictated by the coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19. The virus respects no human title. The Crown Prince of England is infected and the British Prime Minister as well. Senators and Congressmen here…

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Wuhan’s coronavirus

WE don’t really know for sure if this deadly coronavirus is a product of natural evolution or was manufactured as part of a country’s biological war arsenal that had gone wrong. But here it is, a serious threat to mankind. For the third time this century, The New York Times pointed out, a new strain…

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Was it all for show?

Less than a week after the President ordered the closure of all gaming operations of PCSO, lotto and a few other games are back in business. Was it all for show? Partly yes and partly no. Getting angry and ordering an office (or an island) to close down is part of President Duterte’s tool box….

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A global community

SOME of our politicians have been threatening to leave the United Nations or one of its bodies, the UN Human Rights Commission. Such remarks should normally be dismissed as mumblings of politicians in search of public attention. In the case of Senate President Tito Sotto, I think he just wants to proclaim his loyalty to…

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Sad reactions

THE initial reactions of Foreign Secretary Teddyboy Locsin and Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana were correct. The facts were not all in yet, but both Cabinet members were ready to give our fishermen the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol and Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi joined the fray and started casting doubts on…

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