Bobby T. Yalong

An infuriating, nerve-racking weekend

What a way to spend the weekend! It was an excruciating, physically exhausting, exhilarating, and frantic schedule that I encountered during the last weekend… I was like engulfed by a formidable cyclone from some maddening world that I couldn’t find a way out to free myself from such unforgiving bondage. Even as early as Thursday…

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Sal Malaki: Ensnared in a cocoon of classical ingenuity

“Music gives soul to the universe…wings to the mind…flight to the imagination…and life to everything!” – Plato WHEN prolific German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven said “Music should strike fire from the heart of a man and bring tears from the eyes of woman…” he must have inadvertently in mind the power and soulful voice of…

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The anfractuous identity plight of Chelle Lhuillier

“All through life there were gender distinctions: toilets for men, toilets for women; clothes for men, clothes for women; but then at the end, all graves are identical…!” – Leile Aboulela If during the 19th century slavery was the core human right dispute and freedom from despotism or authoritarianism became the battlecry of the next…

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PACCAL: Reaching further heights, accomplishing valuable services

“The best way to find your self is to lose yourself in the service of others.”  – Mahatma Gandhi AFTER having meticulously assessed all possible resources, conscientiously brainstormed the brightest of ideas, mapped out fundamental schemes and options, totally completed paper and people chases, thoroughly rehearsed-to-perfection slated live performances, and acutely attended to the finest…

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Fe Labilles Sales… her name spells philanthropic service

“A woman is like a tea bag…you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water!” Eleanor Roosevelt DURING the recently concluded PACCAL (Pan American Concerned Citizens’ Action League, Inc.) event last Saturday, March 28, 2015 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel to commemorate the international celebration of Women’s History Month, Fe Labilles…

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PACCAL recognizes 2015 women achievers & influential women

“A woman is the full circle…within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform!” (Diane Mariechild). THROUGH the years, history has remarkably generated an immense number of empowered women who were capable of changing the world’s social, industrial, political, and educational landscape where they competently dominated the areas with their notable contributions and significant…

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Grace Wong, a mother on the totem pole

In every connubial set-up, regardless of creed, religion, color or orientation, the state of muliebrity has always considerably been on the paramount level of recognition and in high esteem simply because the revered status of a woman as a potential quintessence of motherhood is unquestionably the defining line that separates her from man. But what…

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Chin Gomez resurges passion and reclaims stage status

Just when you thought you’ve had enough of those mediocre stage entertainers and (trying hard) copycats with the notion that there’s really a deliberate shortage of local-based talents and that the limited entertainment scene is saturated with so-so performers, then think again… for you must haven’t heard of one of the most raved and in-demand…

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Angel Ram: the sultry chanteuse spills her plaintive woes

Joan “Angel” Dacayana Ramchand, more popularly known in the entertainment field as Angel Ram, stands vulnerably incapable despite being equipped with communication gadgets that couldn’t be used to communicate with her loved ones back home. Her bitter past, haunting and deplorable, forbids her to neither look back nor correspond with them. Behind her seemingly carefree…

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Valentine’s Day postscripts and afterthoughts

An avalanche of pompously conceptualized and planned Valentine’s Day events that nippy Saturday, February 14, successfully pushed through with neither being hampered nor hindered by the prevalence of the inclement weather condition and single digit temp. Significant snow of varying intensity gradually diminished the volume of travelers and commuters due to worsening road conditions and…

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2015 WHM battle cry: Fortifying women empowerment

In just a couple of weeks, the world will once again commemorate the triumphant symbolism of its female populace in connection with the international celebration of Women’s History Month. And yes, March is earmarked for this notable event. Recognizing the achievements of women has been a widespread scene in every community organization especially during this…

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Horrifying literary works on stage, theater, et al…

Noticeably there is a paucity of horror literary pieces being adapted for stage presentation and theater performances as compared to musical, comedy, romance, and even merely documentary-style that are universally staged and ably patronized. Since it’s live with the presence of an immediate audience presenting a dreadfully concocted stage play puts producers in an immense…

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Blizzard Juno, Chionophobia, and other phobias

I woke up last Monday morning with a bit of apprehension as to whether I had to go to work or merely stay home after being cautious about the prevailing alert watch regarding a major snowstorm to hit the area. Despite the early signs of the dreaded natural calamity I still proceeded only to regret…

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Kaia Alanna: An impressively prolific raconteur at 12

One of English philosopher and essayist Francis Bacon’s popular quotations states: “Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. For some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.” Some people…

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Ed & Olyn Bautista: Life on the silvery route

Feeling the same intensity of emotional affection for each other after a score and five years of blissful togetherness, medical couple Eduardo and Olyn Bautista had triumphantly survived all possible impediments that crossed their path and successfully weathered the storm along the way. The initial spark and electrifying excitement remained undiminished despite the passing of…

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An unbounded amity defying all odds

The invite in blue and silvery white indicated the specially conceptualized party to celebrate Aaron Tupaz Frias’ 46th birthday last Saturday, November 29, would start at 8:15 PM and so with the ever indefatigable Helen Castillo behind the wheel, Jujo Conol and me as passengers, left Jersey City an hour earlier so as not to…

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Marieta E. Lamar: On a trendy savoir-faire amid a tumultuous plight

Gorgeous, big-hearted, pious, amiable, strong-willed single mom, civic-oriented community leader, and passionately fashionable…these and much more best describe the socially indefatigable community figure Marieta Esquillo Lamar from Majayjay, Laguna and currently a prominent resident of 42 years of Staten Island, New York. A quintessential Saggitarian, born on December 19 to Gregorio Lamar and the former…

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