Gov. Brown urged to release $2B for homeowners in distress

Capitol rally led by Black and Latino pastors and the NAAC

On March 14, fifty homeowners in distress accompanied by the leading pastors for the Black and Latino churches held a Rally for Homeowners outside the Capitol. They urged Governor Brown to release $2 billion from two funds that could solve the problems for two million homeowners in distress.

Immediately after the Rally, they separately met with eleven prominent legislators from the Democratic and Republican parties. They asked the legislators to support the Governor’s multi-billion dollar Rainy Day Fund. But, that support should be contingent upon the Governor repaying the homeowners $2 billion from funds from the US Treasury and the office of Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Assembly Republican Minority Leader Connie Conway, who represents some of the most distressed homeowners in the nation, committed to helping homeowners and stated, “Our word is our bond.”

Pastor Charles Dorsey representing the largest Black church in Orange County, Christ Our Redeemer AME Church of Irvine, (and the AME churches of California) stated, “We are praying for the Governor. Governor, please hear our cry. We must find a way, Governor.”

Pastor Jesse Miranda representing the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (over 40,000 Hispanic evangelical churches nationwide) stated, “The homeowner crisis has caused California homeowners hundreds of billions of dollars in lost wealth. Our churches urge the Governor to immediately return $2 billion from funds intended to help us.” Pastor Miranda also stated, “The churches will be asking Treasury to appoint an Independent Monitor to protect homeowner interests.”

Faith Bautista, the CEO and President of the National Asian American Coalition, on behalf of one of the state’s most effective home counseling organization, said, “The Governor is a strong supporter of minority communities.” But, she held two prominent signs stating, “Governor, Homeowners Need You NOW” and “Where is the $2 Billion Treasury Gave You?” She urged the Governor to take personal responsibility.

Immediately after the Rally, homeowners met with eleven key legislators, including the Chairs of the Senate and Assembly Housing Committees, Senator Mark DeSaulnier and Assemblymember Ed Chau. Both committed to working with the Black, Latino and Asian American communities to ensure that California do more to help homeowners in distress.

Both legislative housing leaders were also committed, as were many legislators, to helping ensure that “Churches Are Part of the Solution.”

After the rally and meetings with legislators, the groups met with three senior executives from Governor Brown’s staff on other issues. The pastors, in the spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness, invited the Governor to be a guest speaker at their Sunday services.

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