While the image of a puffy-cheeked ball player might first come to mind when mentioning chewing (“spit”) tobacco, the reality is that smokeless tobacco is also a daily habit to millions of everyday North Americans, both young and old.
It’s important to know that, just because chewing tobacco is smokeless, it’s far from harmless. In fact, all forms of smokeless tobacco contain high concentrations of cancer-causing agents, and because of the practice of “chewing” and “dipping,” tobacco and its juices are left in contact within and around the oral cavity for extended periods of time. This extended exposure subjects users to an increased risk of cancer, not only of the mouth (including cancer of the lip, cheeks, tongue, gums, floor and roof of the mouth), but also of pharynx, larynx and esophagus.
Smokeless tobacco also leads to uncomfortable, unhealthy and potentially expensive dental issues, including premature loss of tooth enamel, which causes painful, sensitive teeth, an increased chance of tooth decay, and permanent damage to gums, leaving teeth vulnerable to temperature fluctuations, decay and even loss of teeth. Add stained teeth and bad breath to this list, and the pleasures of chewing tobacco are quickly snuffed out.
Please take the first step toward a healthier future by asking us about special health alerts for tobacco users, and by coming in for teeth cleaning and an oral cancer check today.
Dr. Librada C. Yamat is a Family Dentist specializing in Cosmetic Dentistry. She has been practicing since 1992 in her Daly City office located at 187 Southgate Ave. (650) 991-2832. She is president of the MCU Dental Alumni Association and former president of the American Federation of Filipino Dental Practitioners.