ENSURING a nation’s future and shaping the minds of its people is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Part of this responsibility falls on the hands of teachers. It is with them we trust the transformation of meek individuals into successful men and women.

In his acceptance speech as CNN’s Hero of the Year last year, Filipino educator Efren Peñaflorida said, “Our planet is filled with heroes, young and old, rich and poor, man, woman of different colors, shapes and sizes. We are one great tapestry. Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need.”

Peñaflorida was recognized around the world for his efforts in bringing education to the poor and troubled youth of the country across the Philippines for his organization The Dynamic Teen Company (DTC).

On October 5, educational institutions around the world rang their school bells to signify the celebration of World Teachers’ Day.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched the World Teachers’ Day in 1994 to muster the support for teachers and to promote the growth of the teaching profession for the generation of students to come.

With the theme Recovery Begins with Teachers, this year’s World Teachers’ Day aims to publicly express the recognition of teachers who have been affected by major crises, and the role they play in rebuilding communities.

Education Secretary Armin Luistro recently called on the support to give recognition to Filipino mentors who hold one of the biggest responsibilities in our society of molding the mind of future generations of Filipinos. This occasion lets us acknowledge the unique role teachers play in guiding families, escalating societies and building nations.

In the Philippines, quality of education is a critical matter. There had been a decline in the development in the the country’s educational system especially at the elementary and secondary levels. This scares everyone—the goal of producing well-rounded individuals ready to take on the world seems to be not an assurance going to school offers anymore.

Despite continuous efforts by the present administration, the educational system in the country still has a long way to go. Due to limited resources, Filipino teachers are obligated to meet the goals of producing professionals by maximizing on their patience and determination. They still implicate the national curriculum into day-to-day teaching by delivering literacy and mathematics as part of their every student’s growth.

Today, the growing population is overwhelming the shortages of teachers. Filipino teachers especially in public schools are faced with dismal working conditions and unjustified compensation. But despite unfortunate circumstances, it is noticeable how Filipino teachers finish every school year with successes.

It is time to revitalize the image of teaching as a vocation and to raise public awareness on the value of teachers in Philippine society and national development.

We should salute these noble modern-day heroes. (AJPress)
www.asianjournal.com )
Published October 7, 2010 in Asian Journal Las Vegas p. A6 )

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