On June 8 we must vote YES on Proposition 16 – the Taxpayers Right to Vote Act.

Prop 16 would require a two-thirds voter approval before local government can spend or borrow taxpayer dollars to go into the retail electricity business.  Currently there is no public vote that is required to make this decision.
The hefty government spending in California has created a 20 billion dollar deficit.  Our state and local government agencies have struggled with spending our tax dollars wisely over the years.  Our government often talks about fiscal responsibility, so why should they consider taking on more risk with our money at a time when our state is facing the largest deficit it has seen in years?
Prop 16 does not decide whether public power is a good idea or not – it allows that decision to be made by the voters.  That’s a good thing, because it’s our tax dollars that are being spent.  It is critical that our voices be heard on this important issue.
A broad coalition of business leaders and organizations throughout the state also support the Taxpayers Right to Vote Act.   The California Chamber of Commerce, Asian Business Association of Los Angeles, California Taxpayers’ Association, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Inland Empire African American Chamber of Commerce, and the West Bay Pilipino Multi Service Center  – just to name a few.  This list demonstrates that Prop 16 is important to the business community.  Therefore, as we approach voting day let us create a strong and united voice in our Filipino community and vote yes on Prop 16 – the Taxpayers Right to Vote Act.

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