IT’S a bittersweet victory for our Filipino veterans to finally be acknowledged by the United States government for their bravery during World War II.

The $198-million lump sum payment—contained in the US economic stimulus bill signed by President Barack Obama last February 18—now awaits the estimated 18,000 surviving Filipino veterans.

They waited for 63 years for this to happen. But sadly, most of the veterans are now in their 80s and 90s, and are dying at the rate of 10 a day.

This presents a sad reality for most veterans and their families. Age has become an important factor, and they are running out of time. The policy of the United States Veterans Administration (USVA) is that a veteran who died before his scheduled interview could no longer benefit from the compensation.

One small light for them is that US Ambassador Kenney assured the veterans who are residing in the Philippines that they will do everything they can to reach those who are too sick or frail to come personally for the interview.

Just when we thought the fight and journey was over for our veterans, we again find them fighting another battle—one that would require them to survive against time, just until they get what they truly deserve.(AJPress) )
Published on February 27, 2009 in Asian Journal New York p. 6 )

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