“Awe express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”—John F. Kennedy

With what is happening to the world today, most of us might have been thinking if there is still something to be thankful about. We look around us and we could be disheartened and discouraged with what we may see. However, we must always remember that there should always a balance of the good and bad – as this opens our eyes to the concept of being gratitude, of being thankful for all the blessings we have received.

Also, we need to realize that the simple words of “Thank you,” and “Salamat” go a long way. It not only reaffirms our faith in people and their good intentions, but also carries a message of hope that the world is still a good place to live in.

The Asian Journal too, has a lot to be thankful for – our readers who have continuously believe that we are making a difference in the community through our different editions and our advertisers who have trusted us all these years. We will always be grateful, something that will inspire us to continue our work, our mission to serve the Filipino community.

And with this we say, thank you – maraming salamat. (AJ)

www.asianjournal.com )

Published on November 28, 2008 in Asian Journal Las Vegas. A8 )

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