It’s a few more days before the momentous inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. It is expected that up to two million people will flock to the nation’s capital to attend the various activities related to the historic event.
Events like free concerts of famous performers will surely be graced by VIPs, plus inaugural balls and galas are being planned by the Presidential Inaugural Committee. The State Societies of Washington, DC and a variety of other organizations have planned other events, the Capitol will be abuzz with activities.
Yet despite the flurry of events, after all hype and excitement has died down, it will be back to reality for most of us.
Yes, the country’s future still hangs on a very delicate balance, something that Obama and his administration will have to come face to face.
However, we don’t want to be the party pooper in this important event in US history. We believe that Obama’s win is historic and important – something that gives us that hope that change is really on its way. (AJPress) )
Published on January 16, 2009 in Asian Journal Northern California p. A8 )

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