Celebrating Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month with JPMorgan Chase’s Priscilla Lim

Priscilla Lim

Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co.

In celebration of Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we sat down with Priscilla Lim, Executive Director for Middle Market Banking & Specialized Industries for Commercial Banking at JPMorgan Chase, to discuss what this moment means to her, the advice that’s helped advance her career, and what she’s hoping to achieve in 2024.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role at JPMorgan Chase.

I was born in Brunei Darussalam but grew up in New Zealand. I have lived and worked in over 8 cities including Bandar Seri Begawan, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hong Kong, London, New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. I am currently supporting Middle Market Banking clients for JPMorgan Chase’s Commercial Bank, helping companies in their business growth strategy, including optimizing treasury options, debt financing and access to capital.

How are you and JPMorgan Chase celebrating Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month?

This year, we’re focusing on telling Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) stories with the goal of inspiring and empowering community members to preserve their cultural heritage, showcase examples of resilience, combat stereotypes and misconceptions and build bridges across generations.

Personally, I look forward to attending events and meeting other leaders who are creating opportunities for the AAPI community to thrive.

Why is it important to celebrate moments like Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month?

This moment is all about recognizing and honoring the contributions, achievements and cultural diversity of AAPI community in the United States and globally. It provides an important opportunity to raise awareness about our diverse and rich histories, cultures and experiences and help promote understanding, respect and inclusion.

What is the most common financial hurdle you find AAPI business owners facing?

I interact frequently with AAPI small business owners or entrepreneurs who are starting up their new businesses. One common challenge I hear is difficulty with access to capital. At JPMorgan Chase, we’re addressing access by hosting networking events which connect founders and funders together. Creating opportunities for business owners to engage with funders who are interested in investing into different types of industries is critical for creating pathways to growth.

What is some personal or professional advice that has guided you throughout your career?  

Be your authentic self.  I know it sounds cliché, but when I first moved to the United States, I was very conscious about not having an American accent. However, I met a woman at a networking who inspired me to embrace my identity and my accent. I didn’t need to conform to an Americanized demeanor, rather I needed to confidently embrace my true self and my origins.

As a local leader in the Bay Area, what exciting projects or initiatives are you hoping to participate in this year?

This year, I’m spending time uplifting the allies that have been contributing and advocating for our community here in California. One person that has been instrumental with advancing opportunities for the AAPI community in the region is Jeff DeRosa, JPMorgan Chase’s Head of Emerging Middle Market for Northern California and the Pacific Northwest. Jeff provides support and solidarity, amplifies awareness and understanding and helps create safe spaces for the AAPI community. I plan to elevate the more leaders like Jeff who are promoting inclusivity and intersectionality and fostering an equitable culture for all.

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