County’s first park in Alpine takes shape

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THE County approved the environmental review documents for Alpine Community Park on Wednesday, December 6, clearing the way toward hiring a contractor to begin phase one of Alpine’s first county-managed Park.

The Board of Supervisors also approved a four-way crossing to support pedestrian and bicyclist safety near the park’s entrance.

The Board’s actions bring the county one step closer to realizing the park that gained traction in 2019 with the purchase of a 98-acre parcel from Wright’s Field Partnership, LLC.

Since then, County Parks teams have worked with the community to design a park that will offer a variety of recreational activities.

The county’s Park & Recreation office hosted five community meetings from 2021 to 2023 to gather input into the design of the park. The community asked for access to nature, playgrounds, mountain biking and restrooms, which is part of the park design.

The park will consist of 25 acres for organized activities and 73 acres will be open to the public and used as an open space nature preserve.

Access to the park will be along the northern part of South Grade Road next to the county property. The park was also designed to reduce noise, traffic, wildlife and safety risks and have a view with few obstructions.

This was in response to community feedback from over a dozen stakeholder meetings with Alpine community groups.

The park involves two phases of construction. Phase one is on the northern part of the park. Valued at $11.4 million, this construction will include utilities, northern trail connections, playgrounds, off-leash dog area, equestrian staging area, picnic areas, community garden, park office and restrooms, sports courts and parking.

The first phase of the Alpine Park construction will begin in Spring 2024 with completion expected in Winter 2025.

The Alpine Community Planning Group voted to support the project on April 6, 2021.

(Shauni Lyles/County of San Diego Communications Office) 

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