Hope and inspiration from Greenfund Philippines

I was summoned by an invitation to attend a presscon at a quaint café called LA Rose.

Green-topped tables groaning with mouth-watering dishes made an auspicious start of a  thoroughly moving and inspiring launch for Greenfund Philippines (a 360-degree program which addresses livelihood, environmental protection, education and sustainability), where doing good makes good business sense.

The Filipino child remains the core of ABS-CBN Foundation International’s philanthropy.

With Greenfund Philippines, the service now expands to ensure that not only will every child be afforded education and necessary social services, but he/she will have a dignified environment to live in — by empowering local families to engage in a dynamic economy with environmental consciousness that guarantees quality life for generations to come.

It is a bold mission to reform communities. ABS-CBN International’s new program ties in environmental protection and eco-tourism to alleviating poverty in the Philippines.

Managing Director of ABS-CBN Foundation International Jo Ann Kyle is here to set up Greenfund Philippines as the bridge of hope between the Filipinos here in the US with the less fortunate back home, in order to build a kinder, eco-friendly world for our less fortunate kababayans in the Philippines.

Thanks to eco-tourism efforts made by Greenfund Philippines, La Mesa Dam in Metro Manila has now become a haven for euphoric escape from urban living.

Palawan’s Ugong rock — an 18-million-year-old rock formation — is now a destination for spelunking and ziplining.

The Bacungan River (which was once depleted by aggressive mangrove-cutting) now showcases a floating restaurant and a river cruise that supports locals. They, in turn, safeguard the river.

In the nearby Iwahig River, families lived in unimaginable destitution until Greenfund Philippines stepped in and formed a firefly-watching spectacle — complete with paddleboats and a tourist center, which became a breakthrough in eco-tourism and earned a gold medal award at the Pacific Asia Travel Awards in 2010.

Ms. Kyle’s visit to the different projects in the Philippines revealed hidden treasures.

It will only cost a little more to turn despair into hope. Resilience and patience were dominant in places she visited; respect for human dignity and the joy of humanitarian service is what the foundation aims for.

Hopefully, Greenfund Philippines will continue to be recognized as a credible partner of environmental entrepreneurs and a trusted steward in building communities to end poverty.

“What is equally energizing is the depth and commitment, from our gentle small people,” shared Ms. Kyle.

She recounted with fondness every little act of kindness from those who did not have much to give but gave anyway — generously and joyfully.

Greenfund Philippines starts with one community at a time — achieving everything through compassion and shared value.

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