Deathbed bankruptcy

I DON’T really want to talk about death but everyone dies whether we like it or not. Blame Adam for that. If Adam did not eat of the forbidden fruit in Paradise, then we would still have the superior body that never gets sick and never dies. But we are forever indebted to Jesus, the…

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IRS audits corporate shareholder loans

(Part 2) SHAREHOLDER loans accumulate over time and become red flags for IRS audits. Left unchecked, they grow to sums that are hard to repay. Let’s discuss some tips and developments. Here are Tips to Alleviate this Problem: Make some payments, even a small amount from time to time. This indicates the existence of a…

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Possible H-1B visas for nurses

ON July 11, 2014, USCIS issued a policy memorandum on the adjudication of H-1B petitions for nursing occupations. Most registered nurse positions do not qualify for H-1B classification but the memorandum recognizes that, due to changes in the nursing industry, some nurse positions may now qualify for H-1B classification. Under INA 101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b), an H-1B nonimmigrant…

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What makes a perfect beauty pageant?

THERE is no correct or incorrect answer to that question—only an honest or dishonest one. Because you can’t deny its reality: it is about values, beliefs, love, money, integrity, generosity and pride. They are all there. It could be an enjoyable way to find out more about everybody’s participation in the beauty contest and confront…

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Does the creation of a revocable living trust, during the marriage, transmute separate property to community property?

Divorcing couples may have established revocable living trust for estate planning pusposes during their marriage which was funded primarily with assets acquired by one spouse prior to the marriage. The issue is what is the characterization of those property when the couple gets the divorce. Transmutation is the changing of the characterization of a property…

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When your toothbrush isn’t handy, reach for scrubber foods!

WE’VE all been in situations where we’ve wished we had a toothbrush—but didn’t. Perhaps it was on a recent camping trip. Perhaps it was right after lunch, on a day when you were headed into an important business meeting. Regardless of when it was, you knew that a fresh, sparkling smile would bring the comfort and/or confidence you needed. Certain…

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Work authorization for parents of DACA recipients?

According to news reports, President Obama is considering executive action to let millions of undocumented immigrants obtain work permits and allow them to stay in the US “legally,” without threat or fear of removal/deportation. The announcement of a large-scale action will most likely take place in September 2014. Since the GOP-controlled Congress failed to pass…

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AARP sponsors national Filipino-American conferences

AARP Community Ambassador General Tony Taguba to speak at upcoming FANHS and NaFFAA events in San Diego SAN DIEGO—AARP is proud to sponsor the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Conference on July 31 to August 2 and the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) Empowerment Conference on August 7 -10 in San Diego….

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Ballroom dancing

Is ballroom dancing good for everyone?  For the majority of people who love to dance, ballroom dancing is one of the best exercises for cardiovascular fitness. Only those with medical or physical impairment that disable them to dance will not benefit from it. While walking on the treadmill or doing rowing exercises makes one feel…

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You are bound to be there

THE rap artist Andrew E. gave people, at an early age, a picture of what Malate is in his song Banyo Queen—a place where one can have fun with an unacquaintance, then lose his or her money. All they needed was a little more awareness to learn that the song even suggests that Malate is…

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IN his past State of the Nation Address (SONA), Pres. Benigno Aquino III enjoyed endless applause. He has been commended by his political peers and foreign observers for his ingenuity in restoring the Filipinos’ faith in the government. It is not just an annual tradition. It is mandated by law for a Philippine president to…

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Do you need to get out of the debt trap?

IF YOU are buried in debt, you may be feeling trapped at the moment with no way out. You realize you need help but don’t know where to go for help. You may even be embarrassed about your situation that you find it uncomfortable to turn to family and friends for help.  So you try…

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A referendum on PNoy’s presidency before his SONA

BEFORE his State of the Nation Address on Monday, July 28, President Benigno Aquino III faces the most challenging time of his Presidency. The first two cases wanted to oust him from office for allegedly betraying the public trust and violating the 1987 Constitution over his administration’s implementation of the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP). The…

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One too many

HAVING a consistent population count for years, the Philippines should now expect a new census update. Recent reports say that the Philippines is bound to have at least 100 million people this year, and depending on one’s perspective, it may sound either good or bad. Based on the national census of population in 2010, the…

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The other side of news reporting

Interviews come in many ways. Some regard it as a battle, a delightful minuet. Others call it theater piece. That is why I am reluctant to write about fashion, showbiz, celebrities, which tend to elicit more entertainment, not information—a contempt shown, however, only by those who clearly would be considered as “newspeople.” People reportage is…

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Sunday night at the ER

All of LA County’s sufferings come through the doors of the emergency room. Accidents, shootings, heart attacks, beatings, rapes, suicides—just as gory and heart stopping when I was covering the police beat for People’s Tonight of The Journal Group, before I defected to Hollywood. Stories that would make you clasp your chest and spit out your coffee over breakfast…

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Becoming all flame!

“BY and large the world is a good place,” claims Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, author of Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity.  “But among all those good people, only a select few stand out as truly exceptional in both their humanity and other virtue. Many of us are good, few among…

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