Applying for Filipino WWII veteran family unity

My father was just a little boy growing up in Bataan during World War II. He believed his life and that of his brothers were spared by the Japanese only because they were too small to be viewed as threats to the soldiers. Eventually, brave Filipino and American soldiers fought side-by-side to liberate the country…

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Diabetes and gum disease can be double trouble

PEOPLE with diabetes are mindful of their bodies’ feedback. Effective diabetes management requires frequent blood sugar checks, careful dietary planning, and close monitoring of other symptoms. But with all the things diabetics have to consider, they often miss warning signs from another crucial area—the mouth. Why are oral care and diabetes so intertwined? Recent studies have revealed…

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The August 2015 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Consular processing at the NVC

The growing threat of international terrorism, which apparently is without territorial boundaries, has prompted the Department of State (DOS) to tighten its rules of entry into the US.  DOS is the governmental entity that works hand in hand with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is in charge of prospective immigrants to the US. …

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Real ‘female viagra’

Is viagra useful for women? Preliminary report from 12-week study at Northwestern University in Chicago and UCLA Medical Center on 202 post menopaual or post hysterectomy women  show that viagra (Sildenafil), the blue pill, is as effective for the females as it is for the males. The action of the drug is to open up…

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‘Not all of me shall die’

The bell tolls for many. It always does. They took their leave in poignant numbers. We loved them and we lost them—men and women who had the power to move us in very special ways. They left memories and images that death cannot diminish: a high swatch of beauty, grace, passion, anguish and delight. We…

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The optimism of the Filipino

PRESIDENT Noynoy Aquino is reportedly very pleased with a report in TIME Asia concerning the high level of optimism among Filipinos with respect to their job prospects. According to a Gallup poll, cited by the publication, some 66 percent of Filipinos feel good about landing a job – a figure higher than the 51 percent…

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US, PH sign agreement to combat tax evasion

THE Philippines and the United States have entered into a reciprocal intergovernmental agreement meant to help curtail offshore tax evasion and avoidance. Signed by Philippine Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima and US Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg on Monday, July 13, the agreement implements provisions of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which requires…

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Testifying of God’s mighty works!

GOD’S recent mighty works in my life have amazed me! He has now brought me to complete recovery after undergoing a medical procedure to cure an unruptured aneurysm in my brain. My friends and colleagues could not believe that I recovered so quickly.  “It’s because of the mercy of God, the miracle of medicine, the…

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The season of beauty pageants

Lovely July where the days  are sultry, steaming, sweltering. The city is heaving like a tired beast. Time to shed expectations, along with commute, cellular phones, calendars as our wants seem to diminish: off to a shady nook a cold drink or why not: watch beauty  pageants new and abound! What makes a perfect beauty…

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DACA is still in effect and you should apply

THREE years ago President Obama made an important announcement and made clear his intent to help “Dreamers”; young people who were brought to the U.S. unlawfully by their parents. He announced his plan for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”), an executive measure that allowed him to provide certain benefits to these young people due…

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Supreme Court reverses Court of Appeals ruling

Decides future wages belong to debtor when chapter 13 is converted to chapter 7 IMAGINE that you are a Chapter 13 debtor with a 5-year reorganization plan. In this plan, you commit your future wages to assure payment of the plan payments. However, one year into the plan, you are not able to pay the current…

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Child custody: ’Best Interest Rule’

MANY fathers and mothers have their own ideas of child custody and the standard to which Courts use in determining custody of children.  Automatically, most parents believe that the children would naturally go to their mother.  This perception is incorrect—the children do not automatically go to the mother.  Rather, the Family Code statutes have a…

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Are you struggling under the burden of debt?

IF you are searching for debt reduction solutions, no doubt you’ve been inundated with advertisements for various debt management programs, companies and solutions. The choices seem confusing to the average consumer. The truth is that every situation is different and what may work perfectly for others is not necessarily going to work the same way…

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Being ‘White’ in America

WE have often talked about how it is to be “Pinoy” in America, as other races/ethnicities would also have their own conversations about their unique experiences as they live new lives and get assimilated in our adoptive country.  This comes out naturally to us because this is OUR experience, our perspective, living in America. But…

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LA County supervisors move to help small businesses

TWO weeks after Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl delayed the vote for a month on her proposal to raise the citywide minimum wage by 2020, LA city officials are taking steps to help small businesses move forward amid growing concerns. The Board of Supervisors announced on Tuesday, July 7 that it looked at its…

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