
ON MARCH 8, the world celebrated International Women’s Day. It has been designated to acknowledge and celebrate the many social, economic, cultural and political achievements and contributions of women around the world. According to the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the observance of International Women’s Day (IWD) was a result of the organizing activities of…

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The fall of President Marcos

February 26, 1986.  There was something odd happening, Camp Crame was the center of army revolt. I wish I could remember it all better without weakening the vitality of the narrative. At Malacañang Palace, Where the vegetable garden had been, now lay an empty lawn. All the concrete statues were being smashed and carried away….

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When filing bankruptcy can help you

DECIDING to file bankruptcy is a difficult decision for most. On one hand, people recognize the immediate relief filing bankruptcy could bring. Once filed, all collection efforts from creditors stops – no more constant barrage of phone calls from collection agencies or flood of letters threatening legal action and statements of delinquent accounts. On the…

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10 tips on child/dependent care

IF you paid someone to care for your child, spouse, or dependent, you may be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit on your federal income tax return. Here are 10 tips on claiming a credit for child and dependent care expenses. • The expense for child and dependent care must be provided…

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The whole truth about EDSA 1 may never be told

WHILE doing research at the Library of Congress in Washington DC on the presence of natives of Las Islas Filipinas in Louisiana in the 1700s, I chanced upon a compilation of “Manuscripts and materials relating to the Philippines,” prepared by Charles O. Houston of the library’s manuscript division. In the preface, Houston wrote: “The library’s…

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24 hours of confession and mercy buses during lent

SACRED Heart Church in Covina, California held a “24 Hours for the Lord” celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. From 12 pm on Friday, March 4, to 12 pm on Saturday, March 5, priests from the parish and the surrounding parishes of the deanery were scheduled to hear confessions. To prepare for this event, parishioners…

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Virata and technocrats ran the martial law economy

A statement issued by the Ateneo de Manila staff pontificated: “The Marcos regime’s economics of debt-driven growth was disastrous for the Philippines. The regime was not interested in inclusive development, long-term state-building, nor genuine social transformation of the country.” And they demanded that Ferdinand Marcos 2nd apologize for this. It is such a sad commentary…

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Estate planning done right

In our Filipino community, there seems to be a reluctance to engage in comprehensive estate planning through the execution of living trusts, wills, and powers of attorney.  Instead, many families have traditionally relied on adding the children and other chosen heirs on the home’s title as joint tenants. This is not a smart solution.  Joint…

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