Healthful data

IS it safe to drink beverages from the cans? Only after cleaning the can. Canned beverages (soda, beer, etc.) are usually warehoused in areas where they are exposed to possible contamination. There have been reports of illnesses among persons who drank directly from the can, which was contaminated with feces or droppings of mice or…

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The presumption of ‘undue influence’ in transactions between spouses during the marriage

CALIFORNIA law on the nature of spouses’ rights and obligations with respect to management and control of community property has evolved over the last thirty years from less stringent “good faith” standards to heightened “confidential duty” and “fiduciary duty’ standards.  Under current law, the duties owed between spouses in transactions between themselves are the same…

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Job hunting

THE world today is characterized by intense global competition and rapid technological change. According to a human capital theory,  economic development is a function of the quality of a nation’s education system. In other words: the more and better educated the people, the better the chances of reaching economic development. The key to success is…

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The fragile art of roasting people

It was “hail, hail the gags all here” at the Beverly Hills Country Club. The live roast started with tip toe humor, nodding deferentially to the seven “honorees,” rising to verbal heights. With male roasters, it was beyond brilliance — their pauses got screams and wit barbs.  Some feathers were ruffled, egos deflated and stabs…

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Paternity of children

1. WHAT is paternity?  Paternity means fatherhood.  Establishing paternity is the legal process of determining the legal father of a child who was born to unwed parents.  When parents are married, in most cases, paternity is established without a legal action by virtue of their marriage.  If parents are unmarried, paternity establishment requires a judicial…

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Fil-Am is 10% top attorney in United States

ON January 5, 2016, the Lawyers of Distinction announced the selection of Los Angeles attorney, Roman P. Mosqueda, as top 10% of attorneys in the United States. Members are accepted based upon objective evaluation of an  attorney’s qualifications, license, reputation, experience, and disciplinary history. Please see its website for further details concerning membership qualification….

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Should you direct deposit your IRS refund?

YES, of course. Direct deposit is the fastest and safest way to receive your tax refund. Here are reasons why you should use direct deposit of your refund: 1. Speed: When you combine direct deposit with e-file, you can receive your refund in as little as 10 to 14 days. 2. Security: The IRS holds…

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Can bankruptcy really solve your debt problems?

ARE you having problems paying your debts? Are creditors calling you day and night threatening you with a wage garnishment, repossession or foreclosure? Are you starting to feel hopeless and depressed about your situation and don’t know where to turn for help? The last few years have been tough for a lot of people. You…

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Working with the Reagans

Adela Filiu Ferguson went to America to define her dream, clutching her midwifery diploma, an abiding faith in God, sheer guts and grim determination. That day, on her date with destiny, a great traffic jam was giving her a cardiac arrest on her way to an interview with a possible employer.  Three blocks away from…

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God’s innermost desire

“REMEMBER not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new!” (Isaiah 43:16) “My theology professor asks me to write a homily on sin to people who are in jail,” a seminarian shared with me over dinner last week. “Well, that’s interesting. Just make sure you…

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Pinoys on-the-rise in a dog-eat-dog music arena

MUSIC as a universal language and a pragmatically quintessential articulation of human emotions has considerably undergone paramount evolutions and adaptations to fit into the demands and modes of social lifestyles. An ultimate structure of poetry fused with melody, music has indubitably streamed to limitless forms and possibilities. Some adapted commercially pertinent genres in modern pop-music…

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Fil-Am community welcomes new tourism director to LA

MEMBERS of the Filipino-American community in Los Angeles officially welcomed Richmond Jimenez as the new tourism director at the Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT) office in this city. Jimenez, who will serve in the position for the next three years, said that the department is seeking new ways to creatively attracted Filipinos and non-Filipinos living…

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The April 2016 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Common misconceptions about dental health

DURING medieval times, people believed they could cure a toothache by driving a nail into an oak tree. Silly, right? Today’s misconceptions are different There are still some crazy ideas out there about teeth — ideas that have very little to do with the facts. Have you ever fallen for one or more of these…

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Social media and immigration

FACEBOOK! Twitter! Instagram! Don’t forget to “tag” your friends and make sure everyone knows about your #adventureswithmylove. Not many people stop and wonder who else might be looking at your posts and pictures? Among the 500 or so online friends you might have, the Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, and other government entities…

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Roxas’ dismal record in govt

If not for his ruling-class name, and if not for Mommy’s inherited wealth, which he used to win electoral posts and pay for his expensive PR imaging, Roxas really couldn’t have moved further than Capiz: his performance in government in the past two decades has been so utterly dismal, he’s a loser. What he had…

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Inflammation: friend or foe?

THOUGH our body experiences inflammation when we acquire any type of acute infection, “silent” chronic inflammation all of us have in our body is actually the cause of most, if not all, the illnesses we encounter. These include the minor cold, hay fever, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. The…

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